torsdag 22 november 2012

 Numrerisk serie, numero sarja. I am a modernist, olen modernisti.

Mitä suomen kielellä ja italian kielellä on yhteistä?

What does the finnish and the italian language have in common?

italian: balenotterra azzurra=blue whale, two times double consonants in the same word

finnish: sillalla=on the bridge, four consonants of the same kind in the same word and

finnish:kammarissa=chamber, two times double consonants in the same word.


tisdag 30 oktober 2012

 Hi, i just want to tell you that i am from Finland and it is easier for me to write in my mother language than english. And here are two of my new designs. I do not know what to call my works.
I am occupied with composing music

tisdag 23 oktober 2012

 Hej olen suomalainen ja olen allerginen englanin kielelle, minä olen säveltäjä ja minulla on pitkä taiteellinen koulutus, olen m.m opiskellut klassillista laulua ja tanssia ja tieteenkin sävellystä. Opiskellen myös italiaa, jonkun sanan päivittäin.

Olen myös opettanut matematiikka lapsille ja minulla on taloustiteellinen koulutus, taiteella on vaikea elättää itseänsä ja olen hakennut harjoituspaikkaa kirjanpitäjänä norjalaisesta isosta firmasta ja jollei tämä mene nappiin, niin harkitsen perustaa pienen sukka kaupan saadakseen kirjanpito harjoitusta.

Minä olen taiteilia enkä mikään tyypilinen kirjanpitäjä, mutta rahan takia voisin työskennellä kaupan johtajana ja silloin kirjanpito koulutus on hyvä olemassa.

 Sävellän myös täällä hetkellä etyydiä ass duurissa, hauskaa minulle saada käviöjtä suomesta.

Terveisiä kaikille suomalaisille, äidinkielessä on ihan tarpeeksi aivojumppaa tavallaan.

 Seela Sella oli äitini naapuri Tampeerella ja äiti kertoi Seelasta että Seela meni kouluun laulaen ja hyppien kivestä kiveen ja Seelasta tulikin myöhemmin näyttelijä ja teatterijohtaja.

Olen myös piireskellyt kaikenlaisia 3d kuvioita ja rappuja viimeaikoina, mutta en minä kaikkia julkaise. Minun pieni neljäjalkainen nyytti kuorsaa syväästi tuossa vieressä.


lördag 6 oktober 2012

 Hi, I have not been very active here for a while. Well,  work and i study italian and i compose classical works and I conpose something highly complicated. Regards:Johanna

torsdag 16 augusti 2012

Olin eilen facebookissa ja löysin tämän tehtävän, kysymys oli,kuinka monta nelikulmiota sinä näet?
A.16?  B.21?  C.30?  Vastasin 21, joka oli oikea vastaus, mutta ovatko vaihtoehdot täydelliset?

I was on facebook yesterday and I found this exersize, the question was, how many squares do you see?  A.16? B.21?  C.30?  I replied 21, which was the correct reply, but are the options complete?
 Onko tämä vastaus täydellinen? Is this reply complete?
Ja lopuksi. And at last

fredag 6 juli 2012


 Dear guest, I have been very busy lately, so I have had no time or energy to ubdate my blog here with anything interesting. I have worked at hotels, I have been gardening, I have painted my bedroom and I have to paint some of the walls outside too and I have studied italian, so I have enough to be occupied with and I have designed some mathematical paradoxes, which are not finnished yet. And I have composed a hymn, I try to find time every day to play the piano. I`ll be back here.

Regards Johanna

fredag 15 juni 2012

 Hi everyobody, I have finnished my accountment education and I have begun to compose a new song, I do not compose songs, but when i listened to prince Igor by Borodin, i just wanted to compose a song. I have played Alexander Borodin by the piano, a famous song from the opera "Prins Igor". The song is very calm and relaxing and nostalgic, the song is awesome.
 And I have continued my italian lingua education too, so I have been busy. I will probaly publish more logic later, probably mathematics, when I have time and energy for it.
  You can listen to Sarah Brightman on youtube, who sings Borodin. One of my suggestions.
"Sarah Brightman Borodin"

Arrivederci Johanna

lördag 2 juni 2012


 Hi everyone, you are wellcome to my blog and i apologize for my english. I want to write about dairy products. Well, I am not a scientist, but i want to comment what i know about dairy. For at first, if you are lactose intolerant you have to contact a dietician or your doctor. I am not lactose intolerant. I add a little milk to coffee and herbtea. Soyamilk does not taste good to me and almond or oatmilk do not replace cowmilk in coffee. Milk and cheese are hard to digest and the pasterurizing and the homogenizing of the milk  destroy its nutrition and vitamins have to be added. I use goat cheese on  bread, goat cheese is a better alternative than cow cheese and I use cottage cheese now and then.
 I eat unsweeten yoghurt, low fat culture milk (low fat because PCB and dioksins are stored in the fat) and ecological kefir to get nutrition, as high quality of protein, amino acids, A and D vitamins, calcium, CLA and very important probiotic bacterias. Vegans have to eat supplements for these probiotics. I think it is better to get the nutrition from the food than having supplements for all kind of things. The only supplement i eat is omega 3, cause I eat vegetarian most of the time and I do not eat fish very often, cause the ocean is so polluted.

måndag 28 maj 2012

Old photo. My friend from Japan and I and some other schoolmates in Dresden, Germany 2004.

måndag 16 april 2012

söndag 15 april 2012

 I had a nice dinner with my friends yesterday, I ate too much, at home I usually eat an apple or a slice of rye bread and when I came home I exersized for an hour. I think I deserve a day off from everything today. I have had a spill over in my bathroom, so I had to move the shower and I had to clean the plughole and when I moved the shower back into the corner the pipe passed the plughole, so I had still a spill over on the bathroom floor after a shower. I am not thrilled. Anyway I am going to prepare some food and then I have to repeat some italian and then I am going to ask for help with the shower by a neighbour, hopefulle he is able to help me todat. He is a plumber and he has helped me many times, last year he repaird the garage for me.

onsdag 11 april 2012

More about food

 I have enjoyed fried tofu with garlic and fried wok vegetables, this dish is vegan and very delicious.  The food was frozen and I use a very low temperature when I fry.During many years of my life i did not eat red meat, white meat or any kind of sea food, I was a lacto vegetarian for fifteen years.I enjoy eating good food and I am interested in nutrition, well I am not an expert, but I have studied nutrition for myself. There is biochemical research, which refers to importance of eating raw fruits and vegetables, so the digestionsystem receives enzymes so the food id better biodegredable. Food is a complete science.

 And I have read about these raw food enthuiasts. One of my favourite foods is ratatouille from the french kitchen and you have to cook ratatouille, (It is vegan, yammi, yammi.) Are raw vegetables always helthier? Well to comment this, I had to read a little science by food chemists.

People who have followed a strict raw food diet had normal levels of vitamin A and relatively levels of beta carotene, but low levels of the antioxident lycopene. Lycopene is a red pigment found in tomatoes, water melon, red bell pepper, pink guava and papaya. Several studies have linked a high intake of lycopene with a lower risk of cancer and heart attacks.

Cooked carrots, spinach, mushrooms, asparagus, cabbage, peppers and many other vegetables also supply more antioxidants, such as caretoinids and ferulic acid to the body than they do when raw Rui Hai Liu says.

 If you boil broccoli some enzymes will be destoyed such as myrosinase, but on the other hand indole, an organic compound is formed by cooking. According to research in "the journal of nutrition" in 2001, indole helps kill precancerous cells before they turn malignant.

Thanks for reading. I want to write more about classical music and logical subjects later, but i find food science interesting too, and now I am going to study italiano, ciao

söndag 8 april 2012

Comments about diet and wellness

I have watched videos about the obesity epidemic. Well, you do not have to look like Hilary Swank, but the weight issue is more complex than your eating habits or your fitness habits.
I try to keep an alkalic diet as far as possible, I like to eat raw fruits and vegetables and i like to eat boiled beans, lenses,tofue and i like fish and i eat lactose products and eggs. I drink coffee too. Today I have eaten spinac pie. There are several benefits with an alkalic diet, my body receives a good biochemical balance and a good ph worth, a good digestion and an alkalic diet prevents cancer. Well I party sometimes too. I put on weight, cause i did not practice the alkalic diet for years, but now I have begun with the diet again, my bmi was 20,3 when i practiced that diet.

I think a high per cent of the population eat the low carb high fat diet. Carbs store water, so when you quit eating carbs your weight loss  is basically water. And I would not recommend that type of diet.

Scientists have also through several studies drawn the conclution that there is a cause related to lack of sleep and obesity, so turn off tv and the computer and sleep more.

Microbiologists have also found diffrences between microbes among obese vs slim people.

There are of course other reasons to weight gain like hormonal, medical, chemical and weight gain is also a natural part of the aging process, so do not get panic.

 I like to exersize and that is an important part of preventing the aging process.

onsdag 4 april 2012


 I  love cats. Gepards are stunning, loving,gentle and social to humans.

onsdag 7 mars 2012

Finnish grammar

 I am interested in finnish grammar, cause finnish is my motherlanguage. I have to be able to speak finnish with my relatives in Finland. Finnish has an unusual complicated grammar. Here are a few examples:

Minun auto=my car, but is also common to use possessiivisuffiksi in finnish to say "my car"

for example auto-ni or "autoni" means also "my car" in finnish.

Oletko pessyt auto-si=Have you washed your car?, it sounds more proffessional to use possessivesuffix instead of possesive pronomini.

It is possible to say:

Oletko pessyt sinun auto?= Have you washed your car?, but it does not sound good in finnish, finnish people  add suffix all the time.

I have also translated the word "not" from italian into finnish and how the word Not" in finnish are used depends on which personal pronomini you use.

 In the finnsh language suffix are often used. I have also created a new pattern lately.  It is difficult to translate italian into finnish suffixes. I am going to start to draw my new pattern now.

I love my family, my sister and my mom and my best friend- Kajsa, she is fourteen years old and she is a norwegian forrestcat and her son Sebastian behaves very well. Sebastian he is allways in a very good mood and he is very happy. Kajsa has been my most loyal sweetheart the last ten years. I apologize for my english. I am allergic to english and my accountment program has not worked today.  Japanese, mandarin and corean are even more complicated than finnish or hungarian. I want to learn a few words Japanese too, but first of all I have to accomlish my accountment education and learn italian well. And then I am going to grow old on my own with my artistic works. I am employed too. And I have to update my CV, uff. I have to start with the new pattern now and in the evening I have to exersize my back for an hour.


söndag 4 mars 2012


I visited the museum called "Mambo" in Bologna last year and I saw a very special design of a table and I just thought "Wow", but I was not allowed to photograph that table inside the museum. Too bad. I think I want to try to design some furniture in the future. Well I compose a musical work in ciss minor, it sounds traditional and modern. I have been very lazy with my accountment education, but I will finnish it soon. I have begun a newbeginner course in italian and I like it. I translate from italian into finnish and I have to use my head for that. For eksample:

Io prendo un caffe`latte e un cornetto alla marmelada.=

Well, I think this might sound good with komitatiivi in the finnish language

söndag 29 januari 2012

Ich bin inspiriert von Johannes Kepler.
Männer die, die Welt beeinflusst haben sind:Louise Pasteur, Johannes Kepler, Stephen Hawking, Henry Matisse, Ludwig von Beethoven und
 Jean Domenique Barbu.

Seit meiner Kindheit mag ich Architektur

torsdag 5 januari 2012

Wie sieht Logik aus? Ich fang mit drei Figuren an und hier gibt es viele Möglichkeiten.