måndag 28 juli 2014

Finnish language spelling with double vowels

 Hi, i just want to give you some example in finnish with double vowels, to use double vowels in finnish is very common, here are some examples:

 maa= country

 tee= tea

 riittää= enough, too much

 kookas= large, sizeable

  uusi= new, fresh, seminal

 tyyny= pillow  

 ääni= sound, voice, audio  


 I have to check the finnish spelling in the dictionary now and then, and two times double vowels in the same word is very common, for example:

  riiputtaa= dangle.

Ciao: Johanna

söndag 27 juli 2014

The Spider dance

 "The Spider" with the dancer Milena Sidorova from Ukraina, phantastique and hard work.

Ciao Johanna

hämähäkeistä ballettiin

 Hei ja tässä Suomen kansallisbaletin tähtitansija, kaunis Minna Tervamäki.

Ciao Johanna

lördag 26 juli 2014

Watch out for this

 Hi you`d better be careful in Spain, Greece, Italy. You might meet one of these beauties. They are rather harmless, i think they save their venom unless you do not sit or stamp on these beauties.

Ciao Johanna

söndag 20 juli 2014

Hi again

 I can`t say that i do not like englsh at all, i watch and listen to documentaries in english every allmost every day and then i like to watch animal programmes in english, but i would prefer tahat the BBC or HBO documentaries were in italian or german on youtube, The enlish pronounciation sounds terrible.

 Now i think i have to do something different or something new to get inspiration, so the everyday life is not so boring. I have listened to Robert Schumann lately besides italian opera, and then i listen to all kind of music from my carradio. Schumann amazes me, wow, to me he is a Stravinskij or a Salvador Dali, a true genius and not so systematic with his language, rather spontaneous and chaotic. I like also hip hop and rap,somehow, i think rap is tough, listen to this can you beat this? Here the fastest rapper.

Ciao Johanna

lördag 19 juli 2014


Hi everybody, I am doing my nails finally after several months since the previous time. I do not like English at all' but I have to use this terrible language' cause it is more international than any Scandinavian language. I apologize to all the English speaking people.
 Well, my dear mum is here and she is leaving in a few days, she lives in Sweden and I live in Norway. She is going to make red currant juice for me and it is forbidden to use sugar as a sweetner. I have bought  Stevia which is a harmless sweetner for the the first time. I have to take care og my dental health, it is expensive to go to the dentist. Dental health problems are so common nowadays.
 I have also told my mum to exersize more, her weight is good for her age,i mean if you are over 70 and your bmi is 27, it is well done, but her shape is not the best, it is heavy for her breath to walk fast and i tell her not to be so lazy. You have a better possibility to live longer if you try to be in a good shape. We speak finnish at home.
. I have also put selfmade wheels under donuts transportation cage, so she will not be so clumsy to bring to abroad' her cage is heavy and too clumsy for me to carry.

 We are going to the beach today

Have a nice day, ciao johanna

onsdag 16 juli 2014

In swedish

 Hej, jag tänkte skriva på svenska nu, det är länge sedan jag skrev här på svenska och min svenska är definitivt bättre än min svengelska.

 Jag tycker om statistik, jag skulle gärna förkovra mig mer i statistik, speciellt hälsostatistik.
Finnarna dricker nog mest alkohol i hela Europa, men visste ni att Japanerna dricker mera alkohol än finnarna?, samtidigt som Japanerna har längst livslängd i hela världen. Hmmm, underligt, ett intressant tema tycker jag.

 Det är trots allt mycket få personer i hela världen, som kan jobba för NASA, jag har ju hört om Cristopher Hirata, men biokemi och medicin och annan hälsovetenskap är inte "enklare" än astrofysik och kosmologi.

Om hälsovetenskap hade varit ett mycket mindre komplicerad vetenskap än astrofysik, då hade många människor runt om i världen inte lidit av ebola, malaria, HIV, fetma, diabetes, hjärt och kärl sjukdomar, cancer och så vidare.

 Världen har ett stort behov av flera Louis Pasteur.

 Jag ska konstruera hjul under kattens bur, så hon blir enklare att transportera, hon väger 3 kilo, men hon är så klumpig att ta med sig till flygplatsen med buren.

Ciao  Johanna

lördag 5 juli 2014

More about me.

 Hi everybody, i have worked hard, so i have been very tired. I have begun to compose a sonata in d flat major, i have to use my small grey brain cells for that. I love composing music, it is exciting. I miss Italy and Donut is the cutest sleepy head of the whole world. I try to solve figurative problems. I have tried several iqtests online.  Iwould never go to for example Mensa for an iq test. I do not pay for a ridiculous iq test made by a child welfare worker, an author, a philosopher or something similar. My demand is that the test maker has to be a professional neuro scientist or he has to have a ph.dr in mr scanning or something similar, otherwise the iq test is not professional, then the iq test is made by an amateur with no knowledge of the brain.

 Well, i have tried different iq test online just for fun, and i have got different results. I tried a new iq test yesterday, i got 12 of 15 correct answers, this gave me an iq score of 133, pretty good. Different iq tests give different results. That is one of many reasons why i am critical to these tests.Which iq test is more realistic than others?  I sit with games, made by professional brain researchers from the cambridge university and i am among the best top players of many of these games. They have scanned the brain and analysed the results professionally. To test the brain in the right way, demands more than impossible questions.

I will compose tomorrow.

Ciao, ciao Johanna