lördag 30 augusti 2014


 Hi, i have made hazelnutpudding today and i do not understand, but Donut is awsome, she likes to eat hazelnutpudding too. So, yes cats might like vegetarian food. I make hazelnutpudding for dinner, hazelnut pudding is not a desert for me and yes i use onion when i make hazelnutpudding, so Donut eats onion too.

Ciao Johanna

onsdag 20 augusti 2014


 Dear guest, i have been busy with work and then i have to update my CV (sigh), well i have to draw something for my blogg, i will be back soon.

Ciao Johanna

måndag 4 augusti 2014

More quiz

 Hi,Well here are some very famous songs and i want you to combine the correct songtext with the correct artist.

1 Got motion restrained emotion

2. and no matter what i say or do, but you know my heart is true

3. so give me a minute and i tell you why

4. I was sick and tired of everything

5. All we want is life beyond the thunderdone

6. I got a cheerleader here wants to help me with the paper

7. So move out of your seat. And get a fly girl and catch this beat

8 You set your mark on stealing my heart away.

 Here are the artists:

 Tina Turner, Mc Hammer, ZZ top, The Pretenders, Frank Zappa, ABBA, Diana Ross and van Halen.

 What performer has sung which song?



 Which animal kills most humans in the world?

a. lion
b. crocodile
c. dog
d. tiger
e. shark
f. deer
g. hippo
h. mosquito


answer: h, the smallest