torsdag 26 juli 2018


My opinion about artificiell intelligence is why has noone
innovated a robot or a drone, which could Put out a forest fire.

So many useless innovations.


lördag 21 juli 2018

Hi everybody

 I have been blessed with rain in these days. It  has been so dry and warm here in Scandinavia, which has caused many fires due to THE heat. I have picked black currant berries. And i am reading THE biography about Aira Samulin WHO is over 90 Yeats old and she is Still working.

And i compose and huh,huh, why do i Always compose something which is so highly complicated? Why can't i compose something simple for once?


tisdag 3 juli 2018


I have been watching football the world championship 😊. And i have begun to compose å dynamic piece of music for pipe organ in c Sharp major. I compose by hand, i have left My computer program at Home, so i write everything by hand all THE g Clefs and tunes, like Mozart did, he did not use a computer program to write His music.
And now i alla watching å program about severe obesity. I try to live healthy and i do not have Wright issues, but i Love to eat chocolate As well as sauerkraut.

