onsdag 27 november 2019


 Here is Peppi

and a black grouse she captured. I do not usually publish pics on my feline, but i wanted to save these pics here before i factory reset my iphone. Moikka

fredag 22 november 2019

Hi everybody

I am occupied with music, so therefor i am not that active on my blog. I do not update this every month.


söndag 3 november 2019

Hi everybody, ihave been busy with work, but today i am relaxing, my body is exhausted after all the physical work i have done the last weeks. Well i am going to read the news and i am very eagered to compose a march. I have not composed for a long time and i think that i want to compose a march which is less complicated than my other works. But now i want to relax. I study marches written by other composers, but i just want to compose something simple for the corps in the local school or something similar.


lördag 5 oktober 2019

Hi everybody

I have been busy with doing firewoods, playing flute, frends and nice things. I am cheerful and i know God loves me, i thank God for his grace. Nights have been cold here in Norway now temperature below zero. Peppi  has not shown up yet, but i think i'll see her during this day. I have bought a nice sofa last month and i am going to renew and fix the floor in my livingroom by myself. Now i have more space in my livingroom, i changed the dinnertable in my livingroom to a smaller one.


måndag 2 september 2019

Hi everybody.

Hi everybody, this is a video about child poverty in Britain, just want to share this with you and i am fortunate i own fruit trees.

I have been composing and composing every day and now i have a ten days break from composing and then i am going to compose a new work.


torsdag 8 augusti 2019

New video

Hi everybody, i published a video with a piece of flute music i have composed. It sounds cheerful and delightful and the filmstar was my cat Peppi. Peppi is my sweetheart she sleeps most of the day like other felines, but she lays on my chest for at least 15 minutes sometimes and purrs. I hope you like the video. Moikka

onsdag 31 juli 2019

Hi everybody

 I have lately listened to the russian composers Kabalevsky and Scriabin. I am going to "finnish" my work in the key f sharp major today. It sounds melodic and colourful and sometimes when i play my work reminds me of another composer and then i try to figure out who it sounds like, like is this Dvorak? It does not sound like Beethoven or Chopin. My cat is used to that i exersize my vocal range, although i do not like to sing. There are not many songs that i really like to sing.So my cat Peppi understands that i have not been stung by a bee. I guess my vocal range is probably about 4 octaves.

I have also listened to peter gabriel, savage garden, wet wet wet and Alicia Keys.

I am to colourful to write rock, i can not repeat the same tune twice after each other.


torsdag 25 juli 2019

Hi everybody

I had a wondeful daytoday with my friends, we listened to music and we spoke about it. We listened to Dire Straits, Natalie Cole, Diana Ross Van Halen Queen and the Boppers. It was very hot today here in Norway. When i drove home from my friends i thought for myself "I should call the radio station and ask them to play Diana Ross more and a couple of minutes after my thought the radio station played "Chain reaction" with Diana Ross and i have not called the radio station. What a coincidence.


tisdag 23 juli 2019

Hi evertbody

I have composed a piece of Music in f sharp major. It is highly advanced and i evaluate piano techniqe for this piece of music. It is not a sonat, not an etude or invation, it sounds more like a musical poem. I also have to evaluate the piano technique before i hand it over to a professional. It is summer and it is 26 degrees celsius outside and i go for a swim in the river sometimes.


tisdag 16 juli 2019


Olen tässä onneksi yksin. Kukaan ei tiedä paljon mitään minusta oikeastaan, onneksi.
Ajatukseni tämän blogin kanssa alusta asti oli että olen tässä yksin ja ilmaisen ajatuksiani avaruuteen. Suljin tämän blogin kauan koska joku vieras lähetti tähän hävyttömiä linkkejä.


måndag 8 juli 2019

Hi everybody



Wow, i thought this combination would be highly interesting.

9-9 and 1-1  could create a bridge.


lördag 6 juli 2019

Hi everybody

I have composed and composed. The f...ing mosquitos are eating me up in the garden. I have been looking at 3d rhombs, well i could maybe develop something fun out of a 3d rhomb. From my head. I eat a lot of uncle ben's tikka masala to beans and burgers and pasta and all kind of food.


lördag 15 juni 2019

Moikka kaikki

 Mathematics is absolutely beautiful. There is a relationship between mathematics and music. I loved also maths as  child and i was very good at maths as child. I beat grown men in chess as child also. But on the contrary. Music is art it means it is possible to compose completely irrational music like Stravinsky did or to compose a piece of music what reminds you of a painting painted by Salvador Dali. A civil engineer can not  reason like Stravinsky or Dali. Othervise the work will be a mess. Chess was not my passion or mathematics. You can find some of my previous drawings by hand on this blog, which are very mathematical. I would not have chosen engineering if i were 20 years old for college, i would have chosen food science or biophysics, to work to improve enviormental problems.

Have a good one

lördag 8 juni 2019


I live on the country and i see deers outside through my windows nowand then. The deers have eaten my tulips. I am somehow self sufficient. I had a company here for about a week ago  who sawed down a huge tree in my forrest  and this company will come back and bring the tree into my garden. Huh, huh this is heavy and then i am going to do the fire woods. And i am selfsufficient with my own water and i grow potatoes in my garden and also sun flowers. I want to try to grow sunflower  sprouts from the seeds and the rest of the seeds i will give to the birds. So i grow my own food for the birds. It is a freedom also to be frugal, you do not have to make a six figure income if you choose to live more modestly. My kitchen is small and practical and not up to date, but it is ok for my needs. The kitchen is from the 1980, but the dishwasher is a year old and the fridge 6 months, but it is not a smart fridge. And a neighbour nearby has horses so i see also horses through my window. And now i am going to go out and fetch beautiful flowers from my garden before the rain tears them. And i will compose today something new in f sharp major probably so lovely. My purpose is to publish my music abroad, here in Norway it is a dead end to try to publish something here in Norway.


fredag 31 maj 2019


I eat healthy, i eat plenty of mustard weekly and i have recently read that mustard has a good value of nutrition and good health benefits.


måndag 27 maj 2019


 I just wanted to share my latest thoughts with you. Hmmm some musical figurations might remind you of
Claude Debussy

And i havecelebrated today with cake because Finland won the world championship yesterday over Canada 2019. Jippie jippie yeah.


söndag 26 maj 2019

Hi everybody

Well, i have bought myself slow cooker and i have warmed italian meatballs with potatoes, it took an hour to get the food warm, but it cost only about 0,02€ for the power, so i am content.

  I have watched the movie "Boyhood" on dvd and Patricia Arquette is an awsome actress.

And i have read finnish news about finnish food banks and the heavy metal band Metallica donates to food banks  wow.

I have planted sunflower seeds and tomorrow i will go to work.


tisdag 21 maj 2019

Another fitness video.



A fitness video. Huh huh


Minä taas

I am busy with composing, gardening and all kind of things. I evaluate and correct a piano work i have composed for a pianist. I want to share this video with you and i would say "paint the movements"


lördag 18 maj 2019


I have lately often thought and read about how to live more ecological for the environment. I am not super duper ecological, but there are a few things that i do.

I throw my clothes rarely and i do not change wardrobe.

And i am going to begin to wash my clothes with soft soap.

And i think about washing my hair with applecider vinegear.

My kitten Peppi wants to cuddle now, she jumps up on the tablet, so it is impossible to write more now.

  • Moikka

lördag 11 maj 2019

And now one of my favourite poets.

Io non ho bisogno.

Io ho non bisogno di denaro
...ho bisogno di sentimenti
di parole di parole scelte sapientemente
di fiori detti pensieri
di rose dette presenze
di sogni che abitino gli alberi
di canzoni che facciano danzare le statue
di stelle che mormorino all'orecchio degli amanti
Ho bisogno di poesi
questa magia che brucia la pesantezza delle parole
che risveglia le emozioni e da' colori nuovi
mi piace chi sceglie con cura le parole da non dire...

Alda Merini

lördag 4 maj 2019


Io ho scritto un poco musica per flauto e' dolcissima e bellissima. Viva la musica sempre. Sono lieta e orgogliosa de la musica. Mi piace la poesia di Alda Merini tanto.


fredag 19 april 2019

More about Jean Sibelius

About the finnish composer Jean Sibelius. Well i do not know everything he accomplished as a composer during his life time, but.

His work was directed by Richard Strauss.
He composed a work for Shakespeare  and
He was also an honoured doctorate from Yale university,.

Hisusic is strong and very poweful and very relaxing at the same time.

He was interviewed only once when he lived.


torsdag 18 april 2019


Happy easter to all of you. It is spring here in Norway and in a couple of months i am going to plant sunflower seeds and maybe potatoes. I hope i have enough of water, so my well won't dry up. A friend of me and her well ran out of water last summer, it was very dry here back then. I think i am going to try to save my water this summer. I am not going to use my dishwasher at all this summer for example and then i am going to use the rainwater to water the plants. Huhhuh.

Musical passages need some variations.


New pic

I hope u like it. I ran out of painting and the space was too small.


tisdag 19 mars 2019


And my favorite painters are Henri Matisse and Helene Schjerfbeck. I have bought myself an electric goothbrush, i get used to it. It is good very good to clean my teeth.
Money is important, but money is not everything.

Well i have read about great artists and authors who have lived in extreme poverty. There has been  at least one nobel price winner who has been so poor that this person could almost not afford the ticket to Stockholm to receive the price.
The famous finnish composer Jean Sibelius sold one of his great works valse triste for almost nothing. Sibelius was a highly respected composer. He became famous all over the world during his life time, he received order works from Germany and also England all the time. Sibelius composed and worked hard and he got a very small salary, he was a truly great artist and he went bankrupt. Sibelius was happily married to his wife Aino over fifty years and they got six girls and one of them died unfortunately.

Vincent von Gogh loved to paint and he could not afford material.

I do not expect to become a rich composer, in fact i might not get paid at all,



söndag 10 mars 2019


It was a long time ago i published a pic. I hope u like it.

torsdag 28 februari 2019

Hi again

Hi again, i  have bought a yellow jacket for a week ago, i am glad. I do not have any yellow clothes at all, so now i have something refreshing and i am going to ask for an appointment to the dentist today or very soon. I go to the dentist once a year, last year i had to have a new tooth, but this year i do not have to repair that much. Huh huh.

I have begun to compose something, new, modern and refreshing for piano.

Have you been scammed online? This is very common. I paid about 52 dollars to a work scam. Every time someone calls me from an unknown number-i check the number online. Last year four scammers called me. Three of them were from microsoft from Africa probably, i checked the numbers online and other people in Norway wrote the numbers were scam. To the fourth i sent a sms asking "what do you want?" No respons. Be careful out there.


fredag 1 februari 2019

Hi again

Let's be honest, life is the same everyday, you eat, you work, you pay bills, you exersize, you sleep, you spend your time on internet now and then. I am rarely online outdoors, but often indoors. I do not spend all my time online, it is important to make a break from the screen and think and write. I have bought a good paper book today, i look forward to read it. The book is about lions and predators, national geographic is the publisher.

I have to ask myself sometimes. What do i love to do?

Well i love the forrest, i love the ocean, i like to read fashion magazines, i like to learn something new.

We do all need a push forward and inspiration.

Now i have to delete some old pics from my camera, so i can take some new ones.

My mum eats a lot of garlic, so when she makes dinner i eat a  lot of garlic too, and i drink honey water often too. It is good for the throat.


fredag 4 januari 2019

Hi everybody

 I have watched The movie about James Bowen and The street cat Bob at least five times on DVD.

Dogs Are incredible, You can teach them to rescue and to find Ppl for example.

But cats Are somehow stronger and less clumsy than dogs.
Small housecats jump at least 1,5 meter up. They can climbe in trees and their balance is excellent. And they servive often a fall from a skyscraper or something similar.

Finnish has hundrede og Loan words from german, swedish, english and some other languages.

But where do The finnish, very finnish words come from?

Words like

syödä=to eat

käyttää=to use

nukkua=to Sleep




and Many Words like these above.


Digata=to dig
Fiilis= feeling.

 I think James Bowen is good at writing song texts. I can compose an etude, but i do not find THE Words for a Good song.
