onsdag 31 juli 2019

Hi everybody

 I have lately listened to the russian composers Kabalevsky and Scriabin. I am going to "finnish" my work in the key f sharp major today. It sounds melodic and colourful and sometimes when i play my work reminds me of another composer and then i try to figure out who it sounds like, like is this Dvorak? It does not sound like Beethoven or Chopin. My cat is used to that i exersize my vocal range, although i do not like to sing. There are not many songs that i really like to sing.So my cat Peppi understands that i have not been stung by a bee. I guess my vocal range is probably about 4 octaves.

I have also listened to peter gabriel, savage garden, wet wet wet and Alicia Keys.

I am to colourful to write rock, i can not repeat the same tune twice after each other.


torsdag 25 juli 2019

Hi everybody

I had a wondeful daytoday with my friends, we listened to music and we spoke about it. We listened to Dire Straits, Natalie Cole, Diana Ross Van Halen Queen and the Boppers. It was very hot today here in Norway. When i drove home from my friends i thought for myself "I should call the radio station and ask them to play Diana Ross more and a couple of minutes after my thought the radio station played "Chain reaction" with Diana Ross and i have not called the radio station. What a coincidence.


tisdag 23 juli 2019

Hi evertbody

I have composed a piece of Music in f sharp major. It is highly advanced and i evaluate piano techniqe for this piece of music. It is not a sonat, not an etude or invation, it sounds more like a musical poem. I also have to evaluate the piano technique before i hand it over to a professional. It is summer and it is 26 degrees celsius outside and i go for a swim in the river sometimes.


tisdag 16 juli 2019


Olen tässä onneksi yksin. Kukaan ei tiedä paljon mitään minusta oikeastaan, onneksi.
Ajatukseni tämän blogin kanssa alusta asti oli että olen tässä yksin ja ilmaisen ajatuksiani avaruuteen. Suljin tämän blogin kauan koska joku vieras lähetti tähän hävyttömiä linkkejä.


måndag 8 juli 2019

Hi everybody



Wow, i thought this combination would be highly interesting.

9-9 and 1-1  could create a bridge.


lördag 6 juli 2019

Hi everybody

I have composed and composed. The f...ing mosquitos are eating me up in the garden. I have been looking at 3d rhombs, well i could maybe develop something fun out of a 3d rhomb. From my head. I eat a lot of uncle ben's tikka masala to beans and burgers and pasta and all kind of food.
