måndag 30 december 2013

Happy new year

 Hi all dear visitors. I wish you a very happy new year. I will not be so active here during January, February and March. I have vacation ( I need new ideas and inspiration, to compose new music and design something different)  with my mother and Donut and i will only be focused on learning Italian in the near future. Live well, so long.

 Arriverderci. Johanna.

söndag 1 december 2013

My pet

 Hi everybody, i want to write about my dear sweetheart Donut, Donut is small and she eats like a horse, but i think her weight is about six pounds. I give her boiled cod and dry food, i give her Hill's, which is recommended by vets. Donut is very curious, she sleeps on a pillow outside and waits for me when i come home. She is curious and she likes to follow my every move, when i clean the house or when i do some gardening and she sleeps in my bed on my feet. I had Kajsa before Donut and Kajsa was a Norwegian forrest cat, Kajsa was a big cat, her weight was about ten pounds, Kajsa got serious cancer and i had to take her to the veterinary and let her sleep in there. Kajsa liked music more than Donut, Kajsa used to lie beside the piano when i played an aria by Puccini on the piano, Donut is not so interested in Music. I had another cat- Sebastian and Sebastian loved music by Franz Schubert, when i listened to Schubert`s fourth symphony, Sebastian was close to the CD player. I have arranged a passport for Donut, so I can bring her with me abroad. I do not like to leave Donut on her own for a longer time. Today i have seen a horrible documentary about cruelty towards pets. Take good care of your pet.


måndag 11 november 2013

 Hi everybody, internet is cool, well i had some work done today and then i have written to one of my online contacts to Austria, well i do not expect an answer from Austria, but it is absolutely an opportunity for me to use my skill in the german language. I like german. I have a profile on  babbel.com (i have just written which languages i speak, what music i listen to, my favourite movie and that i like animals and architecture) i study italian through babbel.com. I should advance to the intermediate level in italian, but i think my knowledge of the italian language is poor, so i am not ready for the intermadiate level in italian yet. I have to use the google translation,when i discuss contracts and the italian tax system with an employee in Italy.  I get friend requests now and then on babbel.com and i try to answer in spanish sometimes and i do not speak spanish, although i have studied spanish in Finland for six months.
And yes I get admirer mails sometimes, which i just delete, so i am international. Nothing more, nothing less, just me.

I performed by the piano in front of at least 30 people, they liked my performance, but i was so nervous so i shivered.


tisdag 5 november 2013

New idea

 Hi everybody, i saw a short programme on youtube made by a man, who had studied mathematics and he said during this programme that it is impossible to draw the angles 100% exact. I have experience from that. This drawing was not so good drawn technically, but i chose to publish this anyway. I have to begin to draw something else than hexagons, so i look at skyscrapers on internet.
I have got an admirer letter again, mamma mia, as they say in Italy.  I am flattered, but i refuse to leave an e mail address to someone i do not know. Now i amgoing to watch tv with Donut.

Regards Johanna

måndag 4 november 2013

Olli Mustonen plays Sibelius part1-3


lördag 2 november 2013

Dear guest, i do not know you who read this. My estimated iq as a thirteen years old girl was 

above the mensa level(estimated by a prof psychologist),but i want to tell you that with a strong will power you can reach higher goals than you might imagine. I do not want to lift up myself. Lol, thank you for reading my blog.Just be yourself you are valuable. 

Ciao Johanna

tisdag 29 oktober 2013

 Hi again, well i have read Daniel Tammet`s comments about iq tests, interesting and he means somehow that this "hunt" after child prodigies in USA for example is a circus and i agree. Well i could have begun to study classical singing very early. I think it is a joy to see and hear the young Viktor Sommer for example (without the media circus) at youtube, yes he is brilliant and from Poland.

As soon as a five year old girl in USA plays some Mozart or some jazz music the american TV comes and interviews, typical american, ridiculous. Intelligence and talent is individual, the language is individual. You can not compare Mendelssohn with Beethoven make a hundred % correct conclusion, they were different.


 Hi everybody, I don`t play mindgames and i do not any specific brainworkout. I am going to play J.S Bach by the piano and yes i want to learn Robert Scumanns pianoconcert in a-minor, the duration is over 30 minutes and i have to use my audiell memory. The partiture is just a little help, a pianist has to remember the most part of the musical work by heart. I would call music brain workout. I have not begun with Schumann yet, first i have to buy the partiture( and it is expensive),but Schumann`s pianoconcert is definitely amazing and brilliant.


tisdag 22 oktober 2013

 Hi everybody. I have looked at complex analysis and i try to create new spatial designs. My last drawing "Hexagonal stairs" was somehow inspired by complex analyses, allthough my last drawing does not remind me of "complex analyses". I apologize for my english again. I receive admire letters from men often and i just have to reject them and say no all the time. I have said no to men hundreds of times during my life time, at school,at work, on the internet, on the bus, everywhere. No i am not interested in having a relationship or a one night stand. I got a message yesterday from a man on FB and he wanted to get to know me well- No way, i wish i could delete his message.What if the other person is a charming stalker? Through internet you will never know. I have to learn to know the other person for years. I have never found any good and interesting man.

 I have orchestrated a traditional work and then i have begun to compose jazz music for piano, inspired by Eric Satie.


söndag 29 september 2013

 Hi, dear guest. I am going to exersize today. I am going to ride the exersize bike for about 60 kilometers today or at least 35 english miles, then i have done the fitness for a week and then i do not have to think about fitness for a week. I also exersize strength  for my back, hips and so on during the rest of the week, but strength fitness, takes 10 minutes three times a week. And then i have to do some gardening and clean the house myself. When I clean my house myself, i lift things and items and i clean the corner. A charlady does not bother to do the cleaning properly or they forget to iron my clothes, so i do it myself instead of naging. I had charladies for years and at last i got irritated, so i said i clean the house myself. I live in an old, pretty small house with a big garden in a valley. There is enough room for me and Donut.
 I plan to try to brush Donut`s teeth, i think she will not like it, but she will get used to it. I cleance her ears now and then.

Well tomorrow i have to wake early about 7.00 am and then I have to do some accountment and order a delivery and then i have to plan advertisment.
 I have a (boring) financeaccountment degree, accountment is boring, but useful in many ways. And i want to try sale. I am not going to start an internet shop, just a small physical shop. I want to try to sell socks and I am going to try to have cheaper prizes than the big markets. I have also studied some business.  I begin very carefully, i want to use my accountment education too. But i do not want to stuck in an accountment office. I want to be free and plan the work myself.
And i try to learn some italian every day.

I am also going to publish and perform one of my piano works in a couple of weeks, so i have to prepair the performance.
 I have also created a new 3D design, which i am probably going to publish here later.


måndag 16 september 2013


 Hi, everybody, thnx for visting my blog. I have had some work done today and i have planted tulips in my garden today. I have also composed a piece of music for a CD, which will be published by other people, I am not finnished yet with my musical suggestion to the CD. I remember when one of my music teachers said to me that i have to lift my fingers when i play the piano, otherwise it sounds like Debussy, not bad, well, well.

 And now dear guest, i want to write about, health, weight gain and the aging process. It is not unusual that people gain weight when they become older. Your metabolism works slower when you become older. You can say, it means that you should probably eat 300-500 calories less every day when you are over 60 years old comparing to someone who is 40 years old, just to keep a healthy weight. I am 41 years old and i think about preventing the aging process every day. I try to eat the daily recommendation of iron, zink and magnesium, zink especially is very important for your skin therefor i eat about 100 gram of unsalted nuts everyday.

Nust and seeds contain high nutritional value.

 I give Donut a cashew nut sometimes, she likes to eat it.
I exersize regularly for my bone mass to and the spine. Your height will probably decrease because of your aging process too  and that is actally also a reason to exersize regularly.
To sleep at lest seven hours every night andquit smoking is also very important to prevent the aging process and be very careful with alcohol too.

Yes i eat healthy and i exersize regularly, but i like to eat a big beef pizza sometimes.

Ciao Johanna

lördag 14 september 2013


 Hi everybody i just get a bee in my bonnet now and then and  i create something like this when i am pretty bored and then i am too lazy to correct my mistakes. I was encouraged to study music as a child. I hope you understand how i think, here you
have an illustration.

 Ciao Johanna

söndag 1 september 2013

Some music history

 Hi everybody, thnx for reading my blog. I am a composer and i work too and then i have housework and gardening and i exersize during my freetime too. To compose music is not a 9.00-1700 job, you need inspiration to create good art too. Talent and hard work is not enough.

Music is my passion, to play Beethoven gives me a complete relaxation allthough i have to be 100% focused and concentrated when i play Beethoven. To play an instrument moves you into another world in space and time. To compose music is a journey.

Franz Schubert(1797-1828)

Music was also the austrian composer Franz Schubert`s passion, he created an enormous production. He composed several hundred works and he arranged concerts in a coffee bar in Wienna in Austria. Franz Schubert must have loved music more than anything else. He did not earn that much money for his music.

 The great musical works by Franz Schubert were never played in the huge, famous concert halls or opera houses during his lifetime.
 Franz Schubert became famous twenty years after his death.

 It was the hungarian musician and composer Franz Litszt who found works composed by Franz Schubert and Liszt enjoyed music Schubert had composed, so Franz Liszt travelled around and spread music composed by Franz Schubert.

Franz Schubert is absolutely one of my favourite composers.

Ciao, Johanna

lördag 24 augusti 2013

About food.

 Hi everybody, i hope you are fine today. I have had vacation for three weeks. I have been in Finland and i have bathed in  a lake and i have enjoyed the finnish sauna. I have eaten licorice ice cream every day ni Finland. My daily diet is very  strict sugar free, but i enjoy finnish licorice ice cream when i am in Finland.
 I try to take a very good care of my teeth, i get caries easily and it is expensive and painful.

 I have been intersted in health and food science since i was a child. I think if i were younger i would have chosen to study biochemistry at the uni.
 I do not eat candy, chocolate, cake, cookies, jam and ice cream weekly, no sodas or anything else which contains sugar. I do not replace sugar with unhealthy sweetners, like aspartam or asesulfam. I have sugary food probably once a month, to prevent the dental aging process among other health issues. I have never liked crisps or cheeze doodles. I eat about 100 grams of raw unsalted nuts every day instead of "junk food". I do not like salt at all, like many people do.
 I also try to avoid wheat because wheat contains a lot of cadmium. I eat tuna, salmon and other kind of fat fish now and then, but i am aware of the toxins in  fat fish, so i prefer to eat lean fish, like cod.
  The summer was so hot in Finland, so i bathed in a lake the first August this year. I can`t leave Donut alone, i bring her with me abroad. She is sleeping now.

 Now i have prepaired lentel soup for dinner today, and now i go green again. I want to give my guests good quality with my blog.

Ciao Johanna

torsdag 18 juli 2013

söndag 7 juli 2013

Gardening and music

 Hi everybody, i do not want to insult anyone. I work part time and i have a big garden and today i have cut the grass and then i have dug up and cut a tree root. I had a man here with a dry earth dredger and  he did an excellent job, but then there are a couple of roots left, which he did not see. I dig up a couple of roots so i can use the mower where he have dug with the machine.

I will not have so much flowers, but i am going to farm vegetables. I have bought a couple ofminigreen houses too.

I think i have to rent him again for next year. Donut keeps me company in the garden.
 I have time to work with music in the evening. I study italian through internet and then i am going to study italian in Italy at an italian school. My dream is to teach italian in the future. I have left one of my musical works for a concert and then i have to send some of my other musical works to a publisher. Now i orchestrate a work for a smaller orchester. The musical work has to be "perfect and optimal".

I met a man from Italy on a market, i told him in italian that i am finnish and this italian man began to speak finnish with me, he had studied in Rouvaniemi, what a coincidence, hi, hi.

I have more logical drawings on my mind, but i have been to tired to put my ideas on a paper and i have to compose to increase my musical production too.

My voice is excellent for classical singing, i could probably sing jazz well too. It is very difficult to find good jazzsingers, you have to have a  strong voice to sing jazz well. Lisa Stansfield has an excellent voice for jazz, i think.

Ciao, Johanna

fredag 5 juli 2013

Thoughts about iq tests.

 Hi, i am interested in cognitive psychology and questions about intelligence and iq testing. I am also interested in questions about creativity and i would like to share some of my thoughts with you.

It is difficult to measure intelligence, iq test might be one method to measure intelligence, but then ihave a lot of questions about what an iq test measures and i understand why my thoughts are not welcome among the iq test followers.

There are also famous scientists who have not had a very high score on iq tests and their "low" iq scores have also been discussed.

You have for example:
 Francis Crick who scored 115 on an iq test,he won the nobel prize
 Richard Feynman his iq score was 126 and he won the nobel prize too
William Schockley scored 125 on an iq test
Luis Alvarez his iq score was below 135 and he failed to qualify for Terman study

Andy Warhol scored 86 on an iq test. He must have been a highly intelligent business man to get so much paid for his paintings. He has painted some of the most expensive paintings of all time.

You might score 160 on an iq test and in spite of that you are not able to solve complicated mathematical problems. You might have a high iq score and you might be lousy at math. It is not a correct conclusion to say that mathematics is not logical. If you score very high on an iq test, you are probably  very good at puzzles and logical games. An iq test measures a spesific logical field in your brain, but for example Mensas IQ test does not measure mathematical logic. I like mensas IQ test, it is very clear and they do not ask a lot of silly questions.

Then i have read about people who have scored below average on mensas iq test, my personal thought about that is, if you score low, it does not mean that you are mentally retarded, you have just had bad luck and you are probably not used to those kind of questions. Mentally retarded humans live often in institutions with daily caregivers and nurses and if this is not your situation  and you are able to drive a car and if you have an advanced vocabulary or if you have a good command of a complicated language or if you are able to perform something else, which is demanding, then you are not mentally retarded, in spite of a bad iq test result. Therefor some psychologists also have made a list about what you are able to practice with the iq you have.
 So do not worry, be happy.

This means that you do not have to be intelligent to be good at maths, according to mensa and then they give a very strange explanation for that. 

 And then...

 If A has a higher iq than B, why does B win all the chess games over A? Complicated questions


And then i have a few comments about these creativity tests.

How du they measure creativity, the creativity tests are not good enough. The creativity tests do not measure imgination and an artist has to use imagination to create something new, how do you measure imagination? Imagination is to abstract to measure. Yes if you work as a business manager you have to find creative ways, to sell more, but an artists creativity is different from a business man`s. Andy Warhol was an exception.

I think i will find time to compose today, i am glad for that.

Ciao, Johanna

söndag 30 juni 2013

 Hi, i sit here again and i write here for myself. I have one profile on a schoolsite on internet. There are different men who contact me all over the world. Well i do not look like a beauty queen, but i think men like my warm smile. They write to me in english, german, french and italian. I have to remind them of that "This is not a dating site, i could possibly write to you twice a year, i am busy". No problem, i assume i am rather popular out there, but sorry, i prefer to be single and grow old with my music, that is the way it is. When i need help,  i "rent" a man, easy and comfortable.
 I have also read law online lately and i exersize my head as usual with music. A civic engineer has to be creative in many situations, that is for sure. But a civic engineer is not allowed to use his phantasy and do something completely irrational, like an artist, otherwise the construction will fall to the ground

If you ask me, i say that Beethoven was the greatest genius during the romantic musical epoke.  He used his freedom to compose music, which did not "follow the rules" all the time. He composed for example in the "Moonlight Sonata" first move

Hm, H, C7maj, Em  or

Fiss m, G, Fiss dim.

Well, i think Pappa Haydn would have put his finger on these musical modulations above, but we love that Beethoven was very modern for his time, these kind of modulations add even more colouristic and excitement to the music, how amazing.

Ciao, Johanna

torsdag 27 juni 2013

 Hi everybody, i compose, i work in my garden and i try to train my cute kitten every day now. I try to teach her how to walk on a leash, i try to adjust her to a life in a city. She is doing great and she learns quickly. I communicate with my kitten, yes it is possible to train a cat allmost like a dog, but she has her own will. I call her donut.


söndag 23 juni 2013

 My favourite athlete, here she is:Therese Alshammar. She is a swimmer and a beauty.

Heija Thessan

tisdag 7 maj 2013

The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love:
therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.

Jer 31:3, King James version."Authorized version"

 I decided to be brave today and publish something very personal here, my faith in God.


torsdag 25 april 2013

The coolest dentist of the world, the legend Dr Alban

Ciao Johanna

söndag 21 april 2013

 Hi everybody, there was a german mathematician and child prodigy and his name was Carl Friedrich Gauss. When Gauss was ten years old, his teacher gave the class a problem, the problem was that the teacher wanted the class to add every digit from 1 to 100. Well this is a funny problem and you do not have to be civic engineer or a mathematician to solve this problem. Gauss was quick and he had his own way to solve this problem. How would you have solved this problem? To add every digit from 1 to 100.
  Well, I would have solved the problem this way. I would have deleted 100 and 50 from the rest of the digits.  100+0=100 and then you do not have a match to 50. I will show you my way of thinking.



Answer 5050



=> 4*1000+900+100+50=5050

Answer 5050

  copyright von Johanna Salo

It is sunday evening and now i have to study italian and compose. I have exersized for two hours today, to prevent the aging process. Health is about quality of life.

Ciao Johanna

söndag 14 april 2013

Some people learn by mistakes and others don`t
 Åitini sanoi tänään puhelimessa italian kielen opiskelusta, että:

Sitä on vain yritettävä pongertaa mongerrusta.


söndag 7 april 2013

 Hi everybody, i will publish some of my new designs soon. I am a composer as you know and I am artistically creative. Creativity is hard to test. A civic engineer might be creative  and Gordon Ramsay has to be creative, but you can not compare a civic engineer or Gordon Ramsay to Salvador Dali, Claude Debussy or Alvar Aalto. There has to different kind of creativity or different levels of creativity. If you are creative, it does not mean that you are artistic.
  Well, I have exersized for two hours this weekend, eaten pasta, I have designed and soon I will study italian and tomorrow I have to compose. I draw by hand and I should find a mathematician, who could suggest a program for my designs and who could help me to construct formulas for my designs. I have enough to do with my job, music and the italian language, so i do not have any time for anything else.


måndag 25 mars 2013

Farfalla bellissima
 Hi, this drawing is inspired by the leaning tower of Pisa. I have made a few mistakes, but I have been to busy to correct the mistakes. Thnx for visiting my blog.

fredag 15 mars 2013

 Hi everybody, i orchestrate a musical work and it snows a lot here in norway, so i have to open the way with the snowthrower, so i can drive out with the car and meet some of my friends tomorrow. My little kitten has been santitized and she has to wear a collar around her neck for ten days, poor baby.

I try to learn:

Die Abschlussarbeit ist gut geschrieben worden und wird publiziert werden=
La tesi è stata scritta bene e sàra pubblicata.

I have to repeat and repeat and repeat, to learn this by heart. I have enough of brain training with language education and composing. I do not have time to draw any new 3D pictures for a while.

 thnx for reading, ciao


tisdag 5 mars 2013

Hi, I am not so positive to iq tests and i have also critisized iq tests on the web and my comments are not popular at all, unfortunately and people get angry with me, but never mind. I have two close realtives, who have been members of mensa. So, i guess if i were younger that i am smart enough to study food and health science. Biochemistry is a very long education, at least five years in the uni. My cousin has a ph.d in biotechnology, so my interest for health and food is probably influenced by my cousin. Her fields are bacterias and viruses.
When I compose, i have to think into the horizontal and the vertical direction at the same time on the partiture

The most iq test are made by psychologists and the mathematical and logical part of the iq test is made by  psychologists. Why is the mathematical and logical part of the iq test, not made by someone with a ph.d in mathematics? Is it tradition?  How good command of mathematics does a psychologist have her or himself? I think the psychologists should be tested in mathematics themselves, because they are also responsible to be good at mathematics and logic themselves, if they construct logical tests for other people. Someone who makes an iq test and who does not have a master or a ph.d in mathematics,  should use a mathematician for guidance as well.   Mathematics and logic has to be more than proggressive matrices. The german language is not only nouns. If you pass a test in progressive matrices well, but your mathematical skill is lousy. What is the point with an iq test? If you are an A student and your iq score is 80? Does this result mean that you are stupid? Psychologists probably without any math degree are responsible to explain.

I do not know my exact iq, but my iq is high enough to compose art music and to learn italian well.

You might be highly intelligent, although you suffer from dysilexia, although you have lost your ability to communicate because of a brain injury. But this is neuroscience and i am not a neuroscientist to comment this any further.


söndag 3 mars 2013

 Hi, I compose a quartet in cis major and I have listened a lot to the italian composer Nino Rota, his music is so exciting, Rota has compoed music to "the God father". I enjoy listening to Rota. I continue my italian education, it is hard. My plan is to teach italian in the future and I love the pronounciation of the italian language. I want to try to publish some of my musical works too. I have enough to do.I wish I were a biochemist, so I could work with health issues, as blood sugar and insuline levels. I apologize for my english.

söndag 24 februari 2013

 I like cookies, sweets and good food, I have to admit that I am a cookie and a food monster, although I keep a healthy weight, I exersize at least three hours every week, so I can enjoy food too. Today I have eaten two pears and three sandwiches with salmon and avocado, yammi, yammi.
I wish I were a biochemist.

Matematiikka, matematiikka, upea matematiikka

tisdag 1 januari 2013

 Hi everybody and a happy new year to all of you. I have been busy with composing music. I have sent an etude, composed in a flat major, which i hope will be played by a concert pianist. I have also corrected a melodic wals, which i composed a couple of years ago. I would rather write in finnish. Beethoven is the greatest romantic composer ever according to Frederic Chopin and Franz Schubert and I agree with them. Felix Mendelssohn was  also as genius as Beethoven, it is impossible to compare composers, everyone has a language of their own. I am not a new Beethoven, but I would say that I am talented as Prokoffiev, Debussy or Stravinskij, so I keep on composing this year.J.S Bach was a genius baroque composer. I am intellectual, but I have my everyday life too. Now I have to change subject and tell you about my everyday life.

 I have bought a stiga electric snowblower a couple of days ago, I am very glad for this machine. I can use it,  allthough my body is  weak and I have opened the way about 100 meter with this machine. I can drive out with my car now finally, I have got some help from the community to open the way out, but i am glad that i can open the way out myself. I have to thank the engineer team for the intelligent and useful inventions.

 My best friend, Kajsa sleeps beside me, she is 14 years old and sick and i have to take her to the wet. She has cancer, so this is one of her last days. I love her and i will miss her, but i do not want her to suffer any more. It is very sad but that is life. I take good care of my pets and I have, Sebastian left after Kajsa, he is Kajsas child and I have fetched a small kitten to my home, which climbs and jumps everwhere.

Regards: Johanna