söndag 29 september 2013

 Hi, dear guest. I am going to exersize today. I am going to ride the exersize bike for about 60 kilometers today or at least 35 english miles, then i have done the fitness for a week and then i do not have to think about fitness for a week. I also exersize strength  for my back, hips and so on during the rest of the week, but strength fitness, takes 10 minutes three times a week. And then i have to do some gardening and clean the house myself. When I clean my house myself, i lift things and items and i clean the corner. A charlady does not bother to do the cleaning properly or they forget to iron my clothes, so i do it myself instead of naging. I had charladies for years and at last i got irritated, so i said i clean the house myself. I live in an old, pretty small house with a big garden in a valley. There is enough room for me and Donut.
 I plan to try to brush Donut`s teeth, i think she will not like it, but she will get used to it. I cleance her ears now and then.

Well tomorrow i have to wake early about 7.00 am and then I have to do some accountment and order a delivery and then i have to plan advertisment.
 I have a (boring) financeaccountment degree, accountment is boring, but useful in many ways. And i want to try sale. I am not going to start an internet shop, just a small physical shop. I want to try to sell socks and I am going to try to have cheaper prizes than the big markets. I have also studied some business.  I begin very carefully, i want to use my accountment education too. But i do not want to stuck in an accountment office. I want to be free and plan the work myself.
And i try to learn some italian every day.

I am also going to publish and perform one of my piano works in a couple of weeks, so i have to prepair the performance.
 I have also created a new 3D design, which i am probably going to publish here later.


måndag 16 september 2013


 Hi, everybody, thnx for visting my blog. I have had some work done today and i have planted tulips in my garden today. I have also composed a piece of music for a CD, which will be published by other people, I am not finnished yet with my musical suggestion to the CD. I remember when one of my music teachers said to me that i have to lift my fingers when i play the piano, otherwise it sounds like Debussy, not bad, well, well.

 And now dear guest, i want to write about, health, weight gain and the aging process. It is not unusual that people gain weight when they become older. Your metabolism works slower when you become older. You can say, it means that you should probably eat 300-500 calories less every day when you are over 60 years old comparing to someone who is 40 years old, just to keep a healthy weight. I am 41 years old and i think about preventing the aging process every day. I try to eat the daily recommendation of iron, zink and magnesium, zink especially is very important for your skin therefor i eat about 100 gram of unsalted nuts everyday.

Nust and seeds contain high nutritional value.

 I give Donut a cashew nut sometimes, she likes to eat it.
I exersize regularly for my bone mass to and the spine. Your height will probably decrease because of your aging process too  and that is actally also a reason to exersize regularly.
To sleep at lest seven hours every night andquit smoking is also very important to prevent the aging process and be very careful with alcohol too.

Yes i eat healthy and i exersize regularly, but i like to eat a big beef pizza sometimes.

Ciao Johanna

lördag 14 september 2013


 Hi everybody i just get a bee in my bonnet now and then and  i create something like this when i am pretty bored and then i am too lazy to correct my mistakes. I was encouraged to study music as a child. I hope you understand how i think, here you
have an illustration.

 Ciao Johanna

söndag 1 september 2013

Some music history

 Hi everybody, thnx for reading my blog. I am a composer and i work too and then i have housework and gardening and i exersize during my freetime too. To compose music is not a 9.00-1700 job, you need inspiration to create good art too. Talent and hard work is not enough.

Music is my passion, to play Beethoven gives me a complete relaxation allthough i have to be 100% focused and concentrated when i play Beethoven. To play an instrument moves you into another world in space and time. To compose music is a journey.

Franz Schubert(1797-1828)

Music was also the austrian composer Franz Schubert`s passion, he created an enormous production. He composed several hundred works and he arranged concerts in a coffee bar in Wienna in Austria. Franz Schubert must have loved music more than anything else. He did not earn that much money for his music.

 The great musical works by Franz Schubert were never played in the huge, famous concert halls or opera houses during his lifetime.
 Franz Schubert became famous twenty years after his death.

 It was the hungarian musician and composer Franz Litszt who found works composed by Franz Schubert and Liszt enjoyed music Schubert had composed, so Franz Liszt travelled around and spread music composed by Franz Schubert.

Franz Schubert is absolutely one of my favourite composers.

Ciao, Johanna