Hi everybody, well do i live healthy? Actually i usually answer "no". Well i eat chockolate, saturated fat, red mest now and then. I avoid pork, han and pig in general.
According to my comphrehension of a healthy diet means, that 75% of your lunch or dinner or snack should be consisting of greens, which means that you can eat 50 grams of Salmon and then 150 grams of carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes or whatever of greens you choose for dinner. Your snack between your meals could be raw vegetables. For
beverage you can have a green smoothie or water, avoid milk, alcohol, coffee, Tea and Everything Else which makes your Body acid.
And Everything which contains sugar or flower is Of cuorse out of the question, as well as red and white meat. This is a healthy way to loose Weight, cause there is a lot of overweight and obesity. ME myself do not live that healthy, i prefer to eat dishes i like as well.
Regards Johanna
tisdag 29 december 2015
söndag 27 december 2015
Hi everybody
I wish you har a peaceful christmas. Well i had, i and my mum were at a marvellous Concert the 23 rd with teenager musicians. They played Vivaldi, Mozart and Beethoven. In a few Days we are going Into a newyear classical Concert. I have eaten roaststeak for christmas and fish. I refuse to eat any kind of pig for christmas and i drank a glas of wine to the christmas dinner. I do not drink Wine during other occasions than christmas, and i ate plenty of ice Cream and cake. I have Everything and therefor i wished nothing for christmas.
Moikka Johanna
Moikka Johanna
onsdag 9 december 2015
I just wonder, why are Scandinavian and european men so desperate, so many of them import woman from Asia? If someone would have asked me if i would import a man from Asia i would have answered: Are you out of your mind?
I Think european women ask more from men than asian women.
Ciao Johanna
I Think european women ask more from men than asian women.
Ciao Johanna
fredag 9 oktober 2015
huh, huh, I drive a Volkswagen polo and i have to upgrade the software program of the diesel motor i am not happy about spending two hours for the upgrade, because of this scandale. I have worked hard these Days and i have not had time or energy to compose. Vw has to pay and compensate me for this somehow. I would never have boughtthat car last year if i had known this.
Vw have cheated their customers.
Vw have cheated their customers.
fredag 2 oktober 2015
Hi everybody, i am tired after work and i have composed a sonata in c minor, well i have used
Cm11. Well you need extra, extra super large hands to play a passage in Cm11. I have composed a Cm11 within the same octave, so someone with small hands is also capable to play this i have composed. I guess the World famous austrian Composer Franz Schubert had small hands, he was a great genius and a short plump.
I try to solve a mathematical nut from an iq test, i need a brain teaser. The problem is:
102, 132, ? , 798
Well i have no idea, but i would guess 444 if i try to find something between 132 and 798, which is probably wrong, but never mind.
I read "Helsingin Sanomat", "Die Welt" and vg.no, that is brain workout enough. And now i want to see a Movie, bye, bye
Cm11. Well you need extra, extra super large hands to play a passage in Cm11. I have composed a Cm11 within the same octave, so someone with small hands is also capable to play this i have composed. I guess the World famous austrian Composer Franz Schubert had small hands, he was a great genius and a short plump.
I try to solve a mathematical nut from an iq test, i need a brain teaser. The problem is:
102, 132, ? , 798
Well i have no idea, but i would guess 444 if i try to find something between 132 and 798, which is probably wrong, but never mind.
I read "Helsingin Sanomat", "Die Welt" and vg.no, that is brain workout enough. And now i want to see a Movie, bye, bye
söndag 20 september 2015
Today i have painted, dug outside and read the news. And then i am going to compose an order work it will probably be a sonata in c minor.
söndag 13 september 2015
1. Who is Frank Beard?
2. Who wrote the song "Beat it" for Michael Jackson?
3. Who wrote the song "Let`s stay together"?
4. What instrument does Sharon Corr play?
5. Where was Lisa Stansfield born?
Do not cheat
måndag 7 september 2015
everybody, i have begun to compose a new musical work. And i have read about spirulina, well spirulina and seafood is the healthiest "food" you can eat, so i think about having spirulina in green smoothies for the nutrition value. Sesam seeds is also an excellent choice for nutriotion. To be honest with you, i Think spirulina and tahin tastes like shit, but i have to find a good recipe and Close my nose while i eat spirulina. Yes, especially women have to control their iron level regularly, otherwise women can get anemia. So i Think about nutrition rather often, but the food has to taste good and i prefer vegetarian food. I eat a lot of oat every almost everyday. Avocados, nuts and garlic are among the healthiest food you can eat.
Ciao, ciao
Ciao, ciao
fredag 4 september 2015
tisdag 25 augusti 2015
" There is too much darkness in this World, so it becomes more and more important to catch the light
every day"
Look at the sky and do something positive every day, what makes you smile for your mental Health,
it does not have to be anything that big, but listen to the birds or a walk in the Woods and do not
bring your smartphone. Relax in your mind do not bring your smartphone to the beach and listen to
the Waves, i stress too much, it does not seem like that, but i stress too much. I try to learn to relax.
every day"
Look at the sky and do something positive every day, what makes you smile for your mental Health,
it does not have to be anything that big, but listen to the birds or a walk in the Woods and do not
bring your smartphone. Relax in your mind do not bring your smartphone to the beach and listen to
the Waves, i stress too much, it does not seem like that, but i stress too much. I try to learn to relax.
måndag 17 augusti 2015
Kalkkaro käärmeen popsiminen
Moikka kaikki
söndag 9 augusti 2015
Hi everybody Writing on my blog. Well, i have composed a jazz work for piano, i am thrilled, this piano work is called "Silenzio", i know the audience will love this work of jazz for piano. I read a biography about an estonian marine painter and captain and then i read a book about Leonardo Da Vinci in Italian.
Ciao, ciao.
Ciao, ciao.
lördag 25 juli 2015
Have you ever been bitten by a dog? I have been bitten by Three different breeds. I hate these small terriers, when i was a Child, my aunt had a small West highland terrier, which liked to bite me several times, but i did not get any injuries. A few years ago a mastiff mix bit my hand from behind when i passed the owners garden, i did not get any bitemark, but i was very upset and went to the owner and i told the owner he must watch his dog and the owner did not apologize February this year i was bitten again from behind on my leg by a 16-20 Pounds border terrier mix and this one did not release my leg and i got a bitemark and i went to a doctor to get a tetanus vaccination.
I would not buy a rottweiler, a german shephrrd, a doberman, a pitbull, a mastiff or something similar especially if i had children. I mean golden retrievers, collies, Irish setters, pointers and these kind of dogs are generally not aggressive.
A few months ago there was an article in the news in Norway about two aggressive rottweilers, which almost killed an infant and the Child was brought to hospital with serious head injuries these dogs attacked Children nearby. The dogs were taken care of by authorities and the owner were sentenced.
But a well traineddog is something else, my neighbours like rottweilers and these like to run towards me and smell on me and say hello to me and none of my neighbour`s dogs have shown anyaggression to me. One of my former neighbours have a beautiful coloured boxer, they moved and i miss the dog.
Thanks to Donut, she is very easy and comfortable to live with and she likes hunting, she just Think about birds ans she sleeps now.
You can not teach a cat to look for lost humans but cats have a good longtime memory and intelligence does not work without memory, so cats are rather smart.
Ciao J
I would not buy a rottweiler, a german shephrrd, a doberman, a pitbull, a mastiff or something similar especially if i had children. I mean golden retrievers, collies, Irish setters, pointers and these kind of dogs are generally not aggressive.
A few months ago there was an article in the news in Norway about two aggressive rottweilers, which almost killed an infant and the Child was brought to hospital with serious head injuries these dogs attacked Children nearby. The dogs were taken care of by authorities and the owner were sentenced.
But a well traineddog is something else, my neighbours like rottweilers and these like to run towards me and smell on me and say hello to me and none of my neighbour`s dogs have shown anyaggression to me. One of my former neighbours have a beautiful coloured boxer, they moved and i miss the dog.
Thanks to Donut, she is very easy and comfortable to live with and she likes hunting, she just Think about birds ans she sleeps now.
You can not teach a cat to look for lost humans but cats have a good longtime memory and intelligence does not work without memory, so cats are rather smart.
Ciao J
tisdag 21 juli 2015
911 call
Regards J
fredag 17 juli 2015
1, 3, 5, 7, ? Which digit would you have chosen to replace the questionmark? Well i would have chosen number 10. 10 i related to the other digits, how?
...or 1, 4, 6, 10 makes 7....... this is Music.
...or 1, 4, 6, 10 makes 7....... this is Music.
måndag 6 juli 2015
Moikka kaikki
Tänään kuin ajoin kotiin autolla oli eräs auto edessäni ja se pysähtyi yhtäkkiä eteeni ja se näyttäytyi että iso Hirvi naaras loikki sen edessä olevan auton eteen ja tämä hirvi käveli tien yli. En ajatellut ottaa kuvaa siittä ja jälkeenpäin tämä tapahtuma sai minut miettimään: Miten minun pieni auto selvisi Hirvi kolarissa? Autoni menisi mäsäksi, kaamea ajatus. Huh, huh, ei sitä oikeastaan kannata ylittää 60km/h, kuin Näitä villejä eläimiä ajattelee.
onsdag 1 juli 2015
I want to be remembered for my musical works and i publish the most of my works in front of an audience, i work almost every day of the week. I try to write Music for a Concert, which i want to perform. I have composed a very classical quintet lately, not that classical like Bach or Chopin,but timeless. I mean Bach, Chopin, Beethoven, Sibelius and so on wrote a very regular rate when they composed the Music. I mean the genius of Bach composed for example many, many triples after each other and Chopin composed 16 1/16 parts after each other. Well they did not vary the musical rate like for example Stravinskij did when he composed. I vary the musical rate, not if i compose an etude, but when i have decided to compose something more modern.
Yes and then i want to try to compose some jazz improvisations for sopran sax, to write something else i have not written Before and then i want to just compose phantasy works.
I do not mail or chat with unknown pipl through internet, i would never begin in a chat room. When i began my blog here i thought i write here alone in the cyberspace, i did not expect visitors and guests here. thanx for not interrupting the silenzio here.
Yes and then i want to try to compose some jazz improvisations for sopran sax, to write something else i have not written Before and then i want to just compose phantasy works.
I do not mail or chat with unknown pipl through internet, i would never begin in a chat room. When i began my blog here i thought i write here alone in the cyberspace, i did not expect visitors and guests here. thanx for not interrupting the silenzio here.
söndag 28 juni 2015
Hi everybody
I have almost finnished the quintett i have composed and now i have lately tried to find what kind of birds there are where i live, well i have not seen any Hawk that is for sure, so i have tried to learn the sounds of different bird species today. Yes, I would say to recognize the singing from different species of birds is general knowledge.
Ciao, ciao.
Ciao, ciao.
onsdag 17 juni 2015
Hi everybody
I just want to say to my visitors, you might not agree with me, but thanks for being calm and quiet here, if you begin to fight, i think i would close this forever and i would probably not come back here or where problematic persons could contact me. I am very emotional and sensitive and i do not copy with mental stress.
Ciao Johanna
Ciao Johanna
torsdag 11 juni 2015
Hej, jag har lyssnat på Puccini och Verdi på italienska idag. Jag lyssnar inte bara på klassisk musik. Jag tycker att det är skojigt att lyssna på Dr Alban t. ex, den här hip hop sjungande tandläkaren.
Det är något fel på katalysatorn på min bil, så jag måste sitta på bilverkstaden i sex timmar, men grabbarna är jätteduktiga där och det blir jättedyrt. Jag har nya ideèr, försöker bli klar med orkestreringen av en kvintett, sedan har jag börjat komponera en hymn med min röst. Sedan tänkte jag komponera en improvisation för sopransax och nu tänkte jag läsa nyheterna på italienska. Sedan måste man stava rätt på alla dessa språk. Dubbel u, y, ä och ö vokal använder jag inte i något annat språk än finska t. ex "pönttöön" = "i sopkorgen", dubbel u, y, ä och ö förekommer inte i norska, svenska, tyska, engelska eller italienska. Men kanske att dubbel ä eller dubbel ö förekommer i ungerska eller i baltiska språk, vad vet jag? T. ex Kööpenhamina på svenska Köpenhamn
Både i det italienska och det finska språket är det vanligt att man använder konditionalis, ahaa en gemensam nämnare. Känn dig inte dum om du gör misstag bland allt virr varr.
Diftongen ie och uo används både i finska och italienska.
Ciao Johanna
Det är något fel på katalysatorn på min bil, så jag måste sitta på bilverkstaden i sex timmar, men grabbarna är jätteduktiga där och det blir jättedyrt. Jag har nya ideèr, försöker bli klar med orkestreringen av en kvintett, sedan har jag börjat komponera en hymn med min röst. Sedan tänkte jag komponera en improvisation för sopransax och nu tänkte jag läsa nyheterna på italienska. Sedan måste man stava rätt på alla dessa språk. Dubbel u, y, ä och ö vokal använder jag inte i något annat språk än finska t. ex "pönttöön" = "i sopkorgen", dubbel u, y, ä och ö förekommer inte i norska, svenska, tyska, engelska eller italienska. Men kanske att dubbel ä eller dubbel ö förekommer i ungerska eller i baltiska språk, vad vet jag? T. ex Kööpenhamina på svenska Köpenhamn
Både i det italienska och det finska språket är det vanligt att man använder konditionalis, ahaa en gemensam nämnare. Känn dig inte dum om du gör misstag bland allt virr varr.
Diftongen ie och uo används både i finska och italienska.
Ciao Johanna
måndag 8 juni 2015
fredag 29 maj 2015
Kuka tässä nytten bloggiani seuraa sillöin tällöin, joku USA:sta ilman osoitetta, toinen Saksasta?
Silloin se on ehkä parempi lopettaa koko homman, mitä minä tällä teen?
Ciao Johanna
Silloin se on ehkä parempi lopettaa koko homman, mitä minä tällä teen?
Ciao Johanna
tisdag 21 april 2015
torsdag 26 februari 2015
I Think we are more stressed today than 60 years ago, hmmm. I would say chasing money is allways stress, if your income Does not cover your expenses it is painful. But besides bills and commitments, it is also important to do something that you like, like climbing, bike riding or singing for the mental health or your mood.
onsdag 28 januari 2015
Ciao, voglio dire
" Il segreto per vivere meglio?
Essere positivi e poi sorridere sempre"
di Gianni Morandi
Saluti Johanna
Essere positivi e poi sorridere sempre"
di Gianni Morandi
Saluti Johanna
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