fredag 9 november 2018

Hi again

My motverka language is finnish indeed, but i do not understand, what is THE purpose with all THE extra and extended grammar in finnish. For example let's take THE passive  declinations of a finnish verb. Huh, , huh

I think Swedish has two or three declinations of passive, like

Rottan jagas av katten= THE rat is chased by the cat. But you can Also Day in Swedish " rottan blir jagad av katten"

or fröken Julie skrevs 1888= fröken Julie Was written in 1888  or Fröken Julie blev skriven 1888.

But finnish, let's take THE verb ajaa=to drive. I don't want to write example just THE declinations of THE passives of THE verb ajaa= to drive

1Active indivative present tense:ajetaan negative: ei ajeta

2 Active indicative imperfect: ajettiin negative: ei ajettu

3. Active indicative perfect: on ajettu negative: ei ole ajettu

4.Active indicative pluperfect: oli ajettu  negative: ei ollut ajettu

5.Active conditional present tense: ajettaisiin  negative: ei ajettaisi

6. Active condizionale perfect:olisi ajettu negative:
ei olisi ajettu

7. Active potential present tense: ajettaneen negative: ei ajettane

8. Active potential perfect: lienee ajettu  negative: ei liene ajettu

9.Active imperative present tense: ajettakoon negative:älköön ajettako

10. Active imperative perfect: olkoon ajettu negative: älköön olko ajettu.

I have borrowed this from "ymmärrä Suomea" ajaa

 I mentioned potential verb and a potential verb Expresses something what may or might happen, simply described.
THE finnish language declinates potential verbs.

But allthough My finnish is fluent i think There is too much grammar in THE finnish language. This Was just One example of Many examples. Huh huh


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