lördag 10 december 2016

Hi everybody

 I have been composing, my Works sounds awsomd. i write Møre another time. I Hope Saara Aalto wins the x factor uk.

lördag 22 oktober 2016


 I decided to close this for a while, cause i have had a lot of strange traffic here with guests who hide their whereabouts.  I have opened this again to see if the traffic here is honest. I do not look for your ip address, i have more important things to do.


tisdag 27 september 2016


 There is someone here and the statistics here claims  this person is situated in France. It is very annoying, every time this person visits my blog i get trash spam links. I have contacted google without result, if you get spam, do not click on links which are unknown and do not click on e mail from someone who is unknown. There might be a hacker who takes over your computer.

And if you get a message which says that you have won 500 000 pounds or 1000 000 million dollars from a microsoft or a lottery, do not answer, persons behind this, are scammers who try to get your money from Nigeria or Jamaica.

 I have been scammed and i have  lost two dollars and i had to change my card, the company had an address in Denmark. I won an award and i gave the company my card number and the company said they were going to charge me for 6 dollars every month and i called my bank. My bank said: "You have been scammed" The bank blocked my card and sent me a new one.


måndag 26 september 2016

languages again

Oh i love grammar.

 In English: I have( to have) a book

 Italiano: (Io) ho (avere) un libro

Svenska: Jag har (att ha) en bok.

Deutsch: Ich habe (zu haben) ein Buch.

Suomeksi:  Minulla on (olla= to be) kirja= the subject " Minulla" is the case adessiivi and nominativ

is Minä=I and the verb on=is in English and book is just " kirja" in finnish.

In the finnish language we do not use the verb "to have", the verb "to have" is translated in finnish     

"to possess", so in finnish you use the third person sing on=is of the verb to be= olla in many


Like in English yoy say: i am thirsty

In italian you say: Io ho(avere) sete       italians use the verb avere= to have

In finnish you can say: Minun on jano  Minun is genitive of Minä=I or Minun is also a possessive

pronomen in finnish Minun= my

and there you have the word on=is again

It is amazing to discover how different the grammar is in different languages and the italian grammar

is very different from English.


lördag 24 september 2016

About fuel poverty in uk

 Hi, i just want to share this with you.
About fuel poverty in uk, a good documentary.


torsdag 22 september 2016


 I have been busy lately and i have changed the settings on my blog

söndag 18 september 2016

Hi everybody

 I just want to tell you that i am highly interested in sociological questions, i am interested in poverty in Europe and i have lately watched really heart breaking BBC programs about child poverty in uk.

There was a little girl who suffered from severe eczema because she lived with her sister and her mum in an apartment which i/was full of mold.  The poorest of the poor have to live during inhuman  
living conditions  and many of these humans are sober and clean, but unemployed or their pensions are too low.

Did you know that 9000 humans froze to death one year in UK because they could not afford the heating- tremendously horrifying and this happens in Europe,

 God bless you


torsdag 15 september 2016


 I will come back to languages and grammar later.

 I am finnish and you may wonder- are there any finnish celebrities?

Oh, yes there are, you can count on that. Apart from the world famous composer Jean Sibelius, there was a finnish architect who immigrated tu USA and he is the architect behind the J.F Kennedy airport in Washington dc and his name is Eero Saarinen and he is the architect behind several buildings in the world. Another world wide famous architect from Finland is Alvar Aalto. So yes Finland is famous for architecture and there are also other famous artists from Finland of course, i will not write more about this.

One finnish celebrity a lady and she is a top fashion model and her name is Suvi Koponen, Suvi is probably the most successful model world wide from Finland, here is a video with Suvi.

Guck mal


söndag 11 september 2016


 and tomorrow i am going to make lentil soup, i like to eat lentils and i try to improve my iron level, which has been critically low before, cause i do not like to eat that much meat and liver is just disgusting and pork is even more disgusting than liver, i think.


fredag 9 september 2016

Weight and diet again.

 Too maintain a weight you can live with does not necessarily have to be so hard and complicated.

If you study obese people eating habits, they eat huge amounts of food, now and then or all the time

more or less. If you eat a certain amount of food on regular times, during the day. Like you know that

now  i will eat 50 grams of beef with two small potatoes and 200 grams of carrots, cauliflower and

broccoli and No sause. Or i will eat a slice of oat bread  with 5 grams of butter, 50 grams of smoked

salmon and an egg with 250 grams of  non sweet low fat greek yogurt or something like that for

example. And then you eat like this three times a day and  on regular times and if you become

hungry  between the meals you may have an apple. Then you will not become big as an elephant. Yes

you are allowed to enjoy a birthday or to go into a party and to have a glass of wine or ice cream, but

not all the time. Many obese people have bad teeth too, which is pitty i think. And do not buy home

food what you can not resist, do not store sweets or whatever in your cupboard. It is like putting a

bottle of whiskey in front of an alcoholic.


måndag 5 september 2016

Lovely music

This piece of music is the most powerful piece of music of the world. This music reminds me of when Moses parted the red sea.


fredag 2 september 2016

And now italian

 Mi piace il libro= i like the book
  S     p      a.o

 Mi piacciono i libri= i like the books
  s     p               a.o

wow, wow,wow

Piaciere= to like and the difference between the first and the second sentence is that in the first sentence i write the book in singular and in the second sentence i write i libri= the books in plural.

This means that italians conjugate the verbs according to the akkusativ object. This is not the case in german or English. Great opportunity to learn something new. In English and german and in finnish you conjugate the verb according to the subject and not according to the object


torsdag 1 september 2016

Hi everybody

 Donut and i have had vacation and we came home today, and I am tired, now I am watching my favorite program and then I have to drive and buy some food and tomorrow I have to work. And yes I will write more about the Italian language soon, but right now I have to drive to the super market and rest after the flight.


torsdag 11 augusti 2016


I am so busy, that is why i do not update here all the time, i write later, Everything is ok with me. I visit my aunt now, it is Lovely. I write more in a couple of weeks.


måndag 25 juli 2016


 I asked myself what i wanted to do with my life when i was a child, i was determined to go into uni and get a master degree in russian, so i could interpret between russian/ Swedish or russian/finnish.

 Iwas not at all interested in studing enginneering, science or mathematics. I have taught mathematics to children and i have composed dancemusic, i have translated for a company, these are works i have done and i have also worked as a personal assistent. And now i would love to teach italian and start a mini language school, which could become my own company, if i success. My finnish and my Swedish skills are at university level, i have a B1-B2 austrian  GI diploma in german, but it was a long time ago and my italian is good enough for a basic course and i will improve my italian skill.

I wrote something short for a fluit, but i really should compose more. I do not want to teach music. I want to compose, i love to compose, but for that you need inspiration. And then you have to travel and market yourself. It is not enough that you write one poem, you have to write hundreds of poems to become "big". If you compose, you have to compose hundreds of works. I don`t write about snoop doggy dog or something like that, i write about art music composers like Schubert. Their productions were huge. Huh, huh, i have to increase my production, but i try to find new ideas and when i get new ideas, i do not always  write them down. I lived in another world as a child, i knew i was going to compose, i think.

 I follow my dream, it is impossible for me to do something else, like accounting. schumann studied economics to please his father, but he disliked it. You have to do something you like, what if your dream is to design? or to write a novel?

and i will come back with language and grammar later. Finnish is just upside down from other european languages i think.


söndag 24 juli 2016


  and i have to somehow split a small mountain outside my house and it is not a very cosy thing at

all to do, because the rain water drains down into the basement. I have to drain sooner or later, but

first a bit of the mountain outside has to be removed, so it is possible to put drainage tubes below the

shelf.  I will get someone to remove the mountain bit by bit during several years. And then i will

probably remove  some of this mountain. But my basement is healthy and cold, if it is hot outside i do`nt

ventilate to avoid damp, for preventing moisture and severe mold. Huh, huh. I live in a beautiful

valley surronded by mountains. Heavy stuff.


lördag 23 juli 2016


 I just want to tell you that i have education. I have studied accounting and business, i have some

college in accounting and i have a high school degree in business. But i am more the artist personality

and accounting is to boring for me, although accounting is important, but i  hate it. I have enough

knowledge of accounting to run a small company.

 I have been intersted in private economy for years, so i would be very good at advising people who

have problems with private finances. I could not advise people who live on welfare or benefits or

someone who is poor in Poland or everywhere else,cause their income is to low and then you

would have nothing to work with.

and i have studied finnish, Swedish, English, german and italian and a Little bit spanish and russian.

and then i have also studied music, piano, orchestration, singing and composing.

I wish i knew more nutrition, because food and Health is important in these Days i am going to eat 

Salmon with greens.


fredag 22 juli 2016

 Stories about homeless Young people in the county in USA that moves me. There are too much suffering and poverty in this world, also in europé and also in Norway. I read about a male yesterday, who lost his job due to an injury and he could not afford to keep his house and he had to sell his house in Oslo and he sold Everything he owned. And the only living he could afford after all this was to live in a cottage with a toilet outhouse in Norway where i live.
 I read about poverty sometimes And when the population increases especially in Africa the poverty globally will also tremendously increase at least this Century.


torsdag 21 juli 2016

finnish grammar again

 Hi, i just want to comment the first of four infinitives in finnish verbs. Infinitiv+ to in english.

to eat= syödä in finnish, the short version and the longer version would be in finnish

i eat= syödä-kse-ni

you eat= syödä-kse-si

and so on

this is still the first infinitiv in finnish, but a longer version of to eat=  syödä

 Wait a minute, but the suffixes- ni and -si are also used as possessivesuffix in finnish:

koira-ni= my dog or minun koira= my dog

koira-si= your dog or  sinun koira= your dog.

Heavy stuff. I am glad that i do not have to learn finnish, just like to write about my mother language.


onsdag 20 juli 2016

tisdag 19 juli 2016


 I just want to write about Donut, well Donut catches birds and she eats them. I do not know if felines are able to love in the way we mean by love. But Donut is very happy and she does not need me, she is too independent. If Donut would not be safe and content with me, Donut wouldn`t keep on coming back to me. I feel tenderness and softness often when i look at Donut or when i Think about her and she makes me smile. There is no drama in my life with Donut. You do not harm anybody you love, there is too much violence in this world.


söndag 17 juli 2016


 when you in English, but also translated into other european languages say

" if you do not" or "if we do not" , we express this mostly in one word in finnish and this word in finnish is a conjunction, like

                                                                  Negations "no, not"

if i don`t = joll-en                                    (i)  en

if you don`t= joll-et                                  (you) et

if he/she doesn`t= joll-ei                          (he, she) ei

if we don`t= joll-emme                             (we) emme

if you don`t= joll-ette                                (you) ette

if they don`t= joll-eivät                              (they) eivät

shortly said this conjunction in finnish is conjugated according to  the  personal pronoun. Like when you say in finnish "we don`t" or we+  you just say "emme". But conjunctions are easier in italian or English or german than this above. I just want to say that google translation is a mess


torsdag 14 juli 2016

If you plan to learn a new language

 I would advise you to learn conjunctions and adverbs as soon as possible. These parts of speech are not usually included in a newbeginner level, but i claim that conjunctions or adverbs are often used when you read a text. Probably every 7 th word is a conjunction or an adverb and there are not that many grammar complicated grammar rules with these parts of speech.  For example the adverb "Always" is just "Always", also in finnish "Aina" you do not conjugate "Aina", but there are several adverbs and conjunctions you conjugate in finnish. Or the word for Always in german is "immer" and "immer " is just "immer" or italian "sempre" is just "sempre" nice and easy and every time you read a text in italian and you find the word "sempre" then you know that this means "Always" in English. You do not have to conjugate this word "always" into hundreds of congations like you have to do with some verbs. So let`s begin with something useful and easy.

the word for "now" is in

finnish:  nytten, nyttemmin, nyt (is a dialect) I just Always have to correct finnish, puh

Swedish: nu

norwegian: nå

german: jetzt

italian: ora, adesso

Oh i love this, have a nice day.


onsdag 13 juli 2016

lingue, lingue

 I speak also fluent Swedish and if you speak and Swedish you are able to understand norwegian and danish as well, but danish sounds like someone is speaking with a potato in one`s throat. I only understand danish if i read it. I live in Norway and i read danish sometimes, so there you go. I try to read french sometimes also it is similar to italian, but there are still differences

italian: arriverderci

french: au revoir


måndag 11 juli 2016


 I would describe myself as brave, loyal, mostly in a good mood,  spontaneous, creative and i am as gifted as Claude Debussy. Well, if you have listened to my musical works, you can hear that i am spontaneous. I could compose something systematic like Chopin or Bach, but i prefer to write what falls into my mind, something more unpredictable like Schumann. The brilliant genius Chopin used mostly passages when he composed his etudes. Schumann used also passages when he composed, but not as much as Chopin. Schumann was not that structured like Chopin. My works remind you more of Schumann. But Beethoven was the greatest, i think Beethoven was inspired by Mozart.
And there are Three apples on my apple tree, it is a record.


måndag 4 juli 2016

italian finnish

 Hi, there are a few similar word in finnish and italian. I am not sure, but i suppose we have borrowed some word in finnish from latin or the italian language.

 In italian you say:

Questi sono pieni= These are full  (sing9 pieno= full   (plur) pieni= full


and this word "pieni" in finnish means "small"   pieni=small

pieni koira= small dog

 italian (sing) vuoto= empty

in finnish this word "vuoto" means "leakage"   (sing) vuoto= leakage


söndag 3 juli 2016

ja enempi kielioppia ja aivojumppaa

 i just want to mention something about personal pronouns in finnish, which is totally different from other several european  languages, that is the third person singular in finnish. Hmmm


Han= he


sie= she




English he and she

finnish the third person sing is hän, which is the word for he or she in finnish.

hän= he

hän= she

Thnx for Reading, moikka

About coffee

 Hi i am prepairing delicious vegan  food. It is summer here in Norway and the daisies outside my bedroom window make me glad. The roses in my garden are lovely

According to the finnish news:

Finnish ppl consume 12 kilograms coffe per year, italians consume 5,7 kg coffe per year and

spainiards consume 4,5 kg coffee.

My favorite dogbreed is papillon, oh i love papillons, but Donut is just awsome, she is brave and

loyal and clean and sweet. Donut welcomes me when i come home and she sleeps beside me on the

sofa, Donut is happy and she keeps me good company. Felines are wise i think


lördag 2 juli 2016

grammar, grammar

 Hi, now i want to write about verbs again, about the future tense.

You build the future tense in English in two different ways, like you say:

I will come tomorrow.... or

I am going to come tomorrow....

Well in Swedish the future tense is equal with the present tense, in Swedish you say:

 Han kommer (komma)= he comes

Jag kommer (komma) imorgon= i come tomorrow


 Jag ska (skola)  komma imorgon= i will come tomorrow (i am going to come tomorrow)

 The norwegian future tense is similar with the Swedish


Ich komme (kommen) morgen = i come tomorrow      oder......

Ich werde (werden) morgen kommen= i will come tomorrow ( iam going to come tomorrow)

Finnish: In my mother language you say

Tulen (tulla) huomenna= I come tomorrow


Aion(aikoa) tulla huomenna= i am going to come tomorrow or i will come tomorrow

But in finnish we conjugate the word huomenna or tomorrow in many different ways as well as the

verbs "tulla" and "aikoa" into many, many conjugations with potential verb tenses and so on.

I Think the word ja= and is almost the only word you do not conjugate or where you can`t add a

simple or a double particle into the end of the word.

You do not conjugate the word mutta=but in finnish but with this word you can add

double particles to the end of the word , like "mutta ko-han", which makes "mutta kohan" this is but

,which i Think would not be necessary.  But this is finnish. The particle is also useful, for example:

on (olla-to be) = is but  on+ko=>onko?  = is? In finnish you can make a question by using particles,

but to use double particles is not necessary. I use double particles when i speak finnish.

These are ways how you build the future tense in these language above, in these language you do not

conjugate the main verb into a future tense. But italians and i suppose other latin languages do the

same  wow, wow, wow.....

Io verró (venire) domani=i will come tomorrow

 I may call myself a grammardigger, perché no?


tisdag 28 juni 2016

Another piece of music i composed, hope u like it a long time ago.


Music i have composed on youtube with pics from Warsaw

▶ 3:07


Everybody, i would say, it is useful to do and accomplish demanding and boring tasks, it is very good for your personality-at least. To be able to accomplish something, which takes a lot of hard work with your hands or your brain, says something about you. People with some kind of personality disorder, they are not able to stick to longterm desicions and they can not be bored and they can not keep a job and they can not accomplish anything, like painting a wall.

 Well, i have to work now.


måndag 27 juni 2016



There are several articles in the italian language like "il, la, lo, l´ (sing)

i, gli,le (plur) wow i like it

and in finnish we don`t use any articles like "a, an, the, the"

in finnish you just express i read a chapter of a book or if you have finnished the book you conjugate the noun without an article, but the same word might be genitive also.

In finnish you say "luen kirja-n"= i read a book, but the word "kirja-n" is also a genitive

"kirja-n titteli on MM"= "the book`s title is MM"

Yes, i listen to finnish pop rarely.


lördag 25 juni 2016

About brexit

 Well, i refuse to write my opinions about politics here, this is supposed to be a language blogg, but i have to write about other things than languages now and then.

Anyway, i found an interesting comment on yle.fi the finnish bbc or whatever.the sentence follows in finnish:

"Britannian kansanäänestystuloksen valossa uusi brittikommisaari keskittynee lähinnä kahvinkeittoon"="in the light of the outcome of the British referendum is the new British commissioner focusing primarily on making coffee"

ha,ha and  to choose a potensial verb in this case "keskittynee" of  keskittyä= to focus, to concentrate. very interesting.


onsdag 15 juni 2016


I´m relaxing from my everyday task and i am watching a program about Facebook and mark zuckenberg. Well MZ is very rich and powerful, if you ask me what my opinion is about rich ppl, it is that they do not live in the reality. The Swedish king gest hundred millions of dollars from the tax payers Money and he Thinks their income is too less. What the f**k, he and his family does not have to empty their dishwasher. And the norwegian Mette-Marit just have to ask for more Money, so she can by herself a dress for 3000 or more dollars. Yes the norwegian monarchy  will waste about 58 000000 dollars of tax payers Money- horrible.  Rich people are spoiled, most of them, that is my opinion about these rich ppl. They do not have to do nothing. Or they do some charity, so it looks good.

söndag 12 juni 2016



 Jag ger dig en gåva= I give you a gift ( in this case "dig" or "you" is dative case)


Ich gebe dir ein Geschenk= i give you a gift  ( "dir" is the dative case in german)


Annan sinulle lahjan= i give you a gift ( "sinulle" in this case is not a dative in finnish, but "sinulle"

replaces the dative case, used in german languages. "Sinulle" or -lle is a case form in finnish called


sinä- sinulle

koira- koira-lle= dog- to the dog

Huh, huh, i am used to conjugate almost every word in my mother language somehow or iadd a

simple or double suffix , so i am glad that English, norwegian and other languages are easier. I

translate from italian into norwegian also.

I do not try to market or sell anything with my blog, i have enough of expenses myself, so let`s take a

break from this Money- Money world with grammar, why not?


fredag 10 juni 2016

 Muumipappa said once that he does not like gardening, i totally agree with him. I hate gardening, but it has to be done.

torsdag 9 juni 2016

More grammar

 In English you say:

You are friendly


I Think about you. (You in this case is an object)

In Swedish you say:

DU är vänlig


Jag tänker på DIG (DIG är ett objekt)

In finnish you say:

SINÄ olet kiltti

ajattelen SINUA (SINUA is the case form parttiivi of SINÄ YOU)

But italians say:

TU sei gentile= You are friendly

TI penso= I Think about you

Germans say:

DU bist freundlich

Ich denke an DIR (dativobjekt) oder Ich denke an DICH (ackusaivobjekt) Das ist Auch möglich.

Ich wurde gern mehr Deutsch schreiben, ich mag Deutsch, aber es ist seit langem ich Deutsch studiert habe.

You do not obviously ditinguish the subject from the object form in English!!! Is English really that poor grammatically? Huh, huh.


tisdag 7 juni 2016


 Just want to say, i don´t try to be cool, you might Think i am boring.
 But sometimes i Think dandelions in my garden  what the f**k, who cares? About gardening.

or eat healthy- what the f**k and all kind of other expectations- what the f**k.


fredag 3 juni 2016


 I am employed and i work part time and i am a good Composer, i compose when i have inspiration. I want my latest work to sound relaxing, impressionistic and dreaming. I definitely Think that Chopin wouldhave liked the french Composer Claude Debussy, why wouldn´t he?

I have thought that this blog will be about classical music and languages.


torsdag 2 juni 2016


 Il cavallo marrone (it)= the brown horse

il cavallo(mask) =The horse

marrone= brown

Well, italians put the ajective before the noun, hmmmm interesting.


fredag 27 maj 2016

About my motherlanguage again!!!!

 If you say in finnish

Lisa nukkuu= Lisa sleeps

 I may answer

Nukkukoon= Let one sleep

and nukkukoon (3:rd person sing) in finnish is an imperativ conjugation of the verb nukkua= sleep

Imperativ used in English is eat! come! run! go! swim faster!

And there are many different ways to say "to Think" to drive" "to run" "to be" and other infinitives in

finnish, let´s take for example to Think in finnish   

to Think= ajatella

1. infinitive: ajatella=to think

2. infinitive inessiivi:ajatelessa= to Think   
                    instuktiivi:ajatellen= to Think

3 infinitive inessiivi: ajattelemassa= to Think 
                  elatiivi: ajattelemasta=to Think
                  illatiivi: ajattelemaan= to Think
                  adessiivi:ajattelemalla= to Think
                 abessiivi: ajattelematta= to Think
                 instruktiivi: ajatteleman= to Think

4 infinitive nominatiivi:ajatteleminen = to Think   
                   partitiivi: ajattelemista= to Think

and then you have passive verbs linked to some of these one´s too.

Moikka kaikki

måndag 23 maj 2016


 I have worked today and then i had to clean after Donut today, she is lovley, but she brings me rats sometimes, so i found a rat outside the door. I am glad, i found an important key today to the manifold cabinet, which was lost for many years. I listen to Sibelius now and i have begun to compose a new piece for piano. Well the question is who is my favorite Composer? Well, it is hard to choose one, i "love" the music of them all. You name it-  Bach, Chopin, Schubert, Schumann, Sibelius, Nielsen, Stravinskij, Mozart, Kabalevsky, Verdi, Strauss, Dvorak, Debussy and many more. I prefer music from the romantic centuries to the Baroque centuries. But i have to Composers who are absolutely outstanding and different from the others and they are

Beethoven and Puccini.

 I love italian opera, Puccini is the most powerful Composer i have ever Heard, and noone will ever beat Beethoven.

I have to write offline now.

Ciao, ciao

torsdag 19 maj 2016


 Well, i have drained away water from the garden and i changed the waterpipe into the house. My garden was a mess and it is still a mess. The drive rwith the excavator made a lousy, lousy work. He dug up the adsl Cable, so i have been without the house phone for two weeks. I have tried to fill the hole after the adsl Cable today, so i have carried many hundred Pounds of sand to fill the hole, ptrrr, Heavy. I am going to write lessons in italian in the evening and tomorrow i have to paint huh, huh.


måndag 16 maj 2016

Hi everybody

 My purpose with Writing about grammar or finnish or italian is not to teach you finnish or italian or german. Yes, i speak german too. I am particularly interested in languages and i just want to explain diffrences in the grammatical structure. We use prepositions in the finnish language, but some prepositions are included in the noun, prepsitions like in, into, to, of, off, by and so on. But there are finnish Words for prep like with, without, along and so on. I write more about this later. I have had a lot of problems lately with my garden and the water supply into the house. The water pipe into my house is changed now.

I am without a dog= olen ilman koiraa, but you can also translate this with the finnish case system, as

I am without a dog= olen koira-tta

 I am going to teach italian in Norway, it will be a challenge, because the norwegian grammar is more

limited than the finnish and the german grammar . I have to find out how i to explain conditional verb

conjugations from italian into norwegian. Huh

sarei=olisin (fin)

Germans use konjunktivo, norwegians do not use konjunktivo

fredag 6 maj 2016


 Well, i just have to write about grammar and prepositions. When i studied Swedish and English i had to learn to use prepostions. In the finnish language, we use a case system which replaces prepositions and some conjuctions. For example in finnish

pöytä= table
pöy-dällä, pöydällä= "on the table" in one word

and now i want to write about the italian preposition system. In the italian language you add the preposition and the article in one word, for example

tavolo= table

il tavolo= the table

su=on  su+il => sul

sul tavolo= on the table

or, sul tavolo= pöydällä


söndag 24 april 2016


 I am going to begin to teach italian and today i have written grammar exercises in italian. I am glad and i live with Donut, she sleeps usually in my bedroom. I would like to have more pets, but i can not, cause i travel too much, i bring Donut everywhere. I would like to have one pygmy goat, ma non  posso.

Ciao, ciao

måndag 18 april 2016

About music

 Hi everyone, when i compose the chord C9, i use the sounds C-E-G-B and D, well in this musical figuration i use these sounds to play the chord C9. C-E-G makes the chord C major and G-B-D makes the chord G minor, so when i compose a passage in C9  i play G minor as well as C major   You could say that C major and G minor are linked in the chord C9. Hmmmm

Ciao, ciao

lördag 16 april 2016

 Hi everybody, i will have a good day today. I am sitting here with henna treatment to strengthen my hair and later today i am going to exersize for at least an hour. I am going to drive to a beautiful golf park and I have to begin to use my new Adidas shoes, i like my old gym shoes, so it is hard to change, but i have to change and then i am going to prepair a vegan bean soup for tomorrow. Now i am just relaxing with henna in my hair.


tisdag 12 april 2016


 Hi, i have been busy with work and i have begun to compose a piece of music for flute, it sounds beautiful, it sounds like march music, but it is not march music. I am cheerful and i have to exersize today. I usually begin to compose with my voice and then i have to write it for an instrument.


lördag 2 april 2016

About Finland

 Finland is one of the coldest  countries of yhe world, but this is why i love Finland. It is a very Clean country with beautiful nature and did you know that sauna is a finnish invention and did you know that "Nokia" came from Finland originally?


måndag 21 mars 2016


 I have got the water supply backin my house, the plumber was here about 4 hours today, the problem with the water was that there was too much air in the pipe line into the house from outside. Now it is better and i can better concentrate on other things.

Ciao Johanna


 I just want to say, i am very glad, the plumber comes today. I am very careful with Writing any personal information, as where i am or if i travel abroad and things like that. I am allergic to shopping, i do not like to fill my home with all kind of stuff and things. I have enough of furniture.  I have a lot of work to do. And changing furniture or phones all the time becomes very expensive, my sofa is probably 30 years old and it is still good.

Ciao Johanna

lördag 19 mars 2016

Hi everybody

 Well i have tried to write a link to finnish verb conjugations from my mobile, but i have failed and now i am in front of my computer and here is the link

If you click here on the "verbiluettelo" and you click on a letter and thereafter you choose a verb from the letter A, for example the word "ajatella" which means "to Think" you can see the main finnish verbconjugations.  And there are more finnish verbconjugations than this.I just want to tell my followers here about my mother language, i have to know this, but you do not have to.

 I am glad, but i have a difficult problem. I do not have any water in my house because the pipe between the wall and the waterpump froze and the water outside the house is frozen beneath the ground. What a problem.

 Ciao, ciao Johanna

lördag 5 mars 2016

My best friend

I want to tell you about my best friend, i love her and i admire her really. She was an athlete, a great talent, but is, but she became physically weak. She is Always positive and she encourages other people Always. She is awsome.

onsdag 24 februari 2016


I have been TO the hairdresser today and i cut my long hair short. Yes I am very content with my ab muscles, they have grown bigger. Tomorrow I have to do my eyebrows myself.

Ciao johanna

söndag 21 februari 2016

About finnish again.

Dear guest, i do not have the Schedule of finnish verbs in front of me. But to speak excellent Finnish you should be able to conjugate Finnish verbs in about 100 different ways, I have not counted the conjugation of Finnish verbs C1 level
This is the " short version ". To speak superior Finnish you should be able to conjugate a verb like to be or to run in over 300 different ways.
This is the extended version.

Ciao Johanna

söndag 7 februari 2016


I read the news Several Times Every day and then i read the business news online for free, but i prefer paper fashion magazines and paper Books. I am also interested in the poverty problems of the world and Europe. There are a lot of people who live in absolute poverty,which means that they get a dollar a Day. I am Lucky i have good teeth and i Think Donut Costs me a dollar a Day.
And then we have these gypsies around Europe, they are discremenated everywhere. There is a gypsy outside the grocerystore where i live, he is polite and i speak with him.He has asked me for my Contact info and i refuse to give him Contact info. His wife begs outside the other grocery store. I have seen programs about these gypsies
And i think the problem is not that they are poor, the problem is their behaviour, they occupate other people's parking lots or gardens. They throw their Garbage everywhere and many of them do not use toilets and they do not wash themselves. The gypsies in my community rent a room in a house and they are Clean apart from many gypsies.

My fear grandparents were extremely poor during the second world war. There was lack of food and my aunts and my uncles had to share clothes and shoes. But they were Clean.

Ciao johanna

lördag 6 februari 2016

church doctrines.

Someone on patheos.com wrote that if you make over 850 $ each year you make more money than 50 % of the world's population (based on average world income). This was a statement why you should pay tithe.

What kind of bull is this writer talking about?
For at first when you see how rich people in your own country live, are you rich?
If you are rich in London, Germany or Us
you buy yourself an expensive car or a handbag for 4000 dollars or a pair of shoes for 2000 dollars and then you update your car Every year and so on. And you live in a million dollar real estate. You spend thousands of dollars on Beauty saloons and so on. It Does not cost a fortune to live in Uganda, Paraguy or the Phillipines. Most of the population living in the rich part of the world live a rather modest life, i think. There are hundred of thousands Germans who can't pay power, gas or the water bill.
. I live in the rich part of the world, but it is also extremely expensive to live in a rich country. It Costs 1000 dollars for me to v new glasses, if my car stops working, it might cost at least 2000 $ to repair it. And it is not enough to pay rent and food today , you have many other costs too. I have Tools on my shoppinglist. According to the NT you are not obligated to pay tithe. But if you don't need that extra money, you can give it to the red cross if you want to help. I have food and water and a roof over my head, thanks to the Lord. If our planet changed direction a Little bit in the universe a new ice age could Begin. Alicia Keys said in a radio interview i listened to "be Gentle", she is right.

Saluti johanna

fredag 5 februari 2016


Yes i am a Christian. I believe in salvation through Grace only and i believe that Jesus was the son of God and i believe in the bible only.
I am however a very liberal Christian, if You Are a member of a private church, Like the penta costel or Another ekumenik church or Another kind of church, You might have been taught To not To have a beer at all and You Are taught To give Your money To the church, at least in many churches. I do not follow those rules at all. The bible does not forbid You To have a glass of wine, the bible tells You " Do not get drunk" I do not have these bible verses
in front of me. And do not become addicted To alcohol. I usually drink water or milk To the food.
About paying 10% of Your possessions and Your income To the church. I would say: "use Your head" and Your common sense. For at First many of us can only afford To pay the bills and it is important To have savings when You become ole is important. If You have To do oral surgery and You have To pay for bridges To the dentist and This costs 25 000 €
and You do not have This, then You Can not afford the dentist. There are certainly old People and others who neglect important costs because they give away their money To their church,although they are poor. To Support Your church a little is different from paying tithe, especially if You have a low income. People live longer and the money has To last longer.


torsdag 4 februari 2016

kieli, kielet

Hi everybody, i try To improve my italian language and i try To learn konjunktivo, it is a specific verb conjugation. I am not worried, i am used To grammar, a lot of grammar from my mother language.
Here are some examples from my mother language. For example finnish verbs are huh, huh.

ostaa-minä ostan- sinä ostat=To buy, i buy, You buy and so on
työntää-minä työnnän-sinä työnnät=To push, i push, You push
nukkua-minä nukun-sinä nukut=To sleep, i sleep, You sleep
hypätä-minä hyppään-sinä hyppäät=To jump, i jump, You jump
juosta-minä juoksen-sinä juokset=To run, i run, You run
syödä-minä syön-sinä syöt=To eat-i eat-You eat
voida-minä voin-sinä voit=can- i can-You can

Here are a few examples, there are more konjugatipns in finnish, Like To drink, i drink, You drink, is the same in english, but different in finnish. In italian there is a few konjugations between indicativo and present time, but in finnish there are at least 20 ways To conjugate from indicative To the present time, which i think should be easier. I think the vocabulary in a foreign language is worse than the grammar.

Saluti, johanna

torsdag 28 januari 2016


  • Hi everybody, if You Wonder, i just want to say, i have listened to a very good physician on the radio, he is Swedish and he is specialized on obesity. He has a ph.d and His name is Stefan Rössner, i Like his science. According to his dieticians You should eat at least 50% greens 25% fish, white or red meat and the last 25% rise, pasta or potatoes for lunch and dinner if You want to loose weight. It is hard, especially if You Are Middle aged, Like i am. It might be the milk and the Sugar You use when You have Your Evening tea or the pineapple Juice, which causes weight gain. Huh, huh, taas englantia, suomeksi tämä on sentään helpompaa. But to understand details about health and nutrition, You have to have a good knowledge about the hormon system, which means You have to study biochemistry or biophysics or Something similar.

Moikka kaikki.

torsdag 14 januari 2016

Just writing again

Hi everybody, i am cheerful and i have got inspiration. My mum made a delicious vegan tomatosoupe with Beans and vegetables. I have eaten tunafish sallad today. Donut has had problems with earmite for a long time and my vet wrote a recipe and i bought her medicine which helped, but i Clean her ears Every other day. And yes i want to learn to play flute. I am close to realize my Dream maybe this year and that is to teach italian.


söndag 3 januari 2016


Happy new year!
I wrote the latest article here Before this, because it is a fact there are many theories about health and diet. But in fact, vegans and vegetarians who are strict with their diet and exersize are generally slender than people who eat all kind of food. I have watched people in coffee bars and i notice that slender people they take a bite of the slice of bread and then they leave the rest of the bread. I have read that slim women prefer TO stay a Little bit hungry all the time. I am not slim anymore, but i have Visual ab muscles, so i guess i have done something right, he, he.
Other advice is of cuorse eat regular Times, eat slowly and chew every bite at least 30 Times.
Ciao johanna