söndag 24 april 2016


 I am going to begin to teach italian and today i have written grammar exercises in italian. I am glad and i live with Donut, she sleeps usually in my bedroom. I would like to have more pets, but i can not, cause i travel too much, i bring Donut everywhere. I would like to have one pygmy goat, ma non  posso.

Ciao, ciao

måndag 18 april 2016

About music

 Hi everyone, when i compose the chord C9, i use the sounds C-E-G-B and D, well in this musical figuration i use these sounds to play the chord C9. C-E-G makes the chord C major and G-B-D makes the chord G minor, so when i compose a passage in C9  i play G minor as well as C major   You could say that C major and G minor are linked in the chord C9. Hmmmm

Ciao, ciao

lördag 16 april 2016

 Hi everybody, i will have a good day today. I am sitting here with henna treatment to strengthen my hair and later today i am going to exersize for at least an hour. I am going to drive to a beautiful golf park and I have to begin to use my new Adidas shoes, i like my old gym shoes, so it is hard to change, but i have to change and then i am going to prepair a vegan bean soup for tomorrow. Now i am just relaxing with henna in my hair.


tisdag 12 april 2016


 Hi, i have been busy with work and i have begun to compose a piece of music for flute, it sounds beautiful, it sounds like march music, but it is not march music. I am cheerful and i have to exersize today. I usually begin to compose with my voice and then i have to write it for an instrument.


lördag 2 april 2016

About Finland

 Finland is one of the coldest  countries of yhe world, but this is why i love Finland. It is a very Clean country with beautiful nature and did you know that sauna is a finnish invention and did you know that "Nokia" came from Finland originally?
