tisdag 28 juni 2016

Another piece of music i composed, hope u like it a long time ago.


Music i have composed on youtube with pics from Warsaw

▶ 3:07


Everybody, i would say, it is useful to do and accomplish demanding and boring tasks, it is very good for your personality-at least. To be able to accomplish something, which takes a lot of hard work with your hands or your brain, says something about you. People with some kind of personality disorder, they are not able to stick to longterm desicions and they can not be bored and they can not keep a job and they can not accomplish anything, like painting a wall.

 Well, i have to work now.


måndag 27 juni 2016



There are several articles in the italian language like "il, la, lo, l´ (sing)

i, gli,le (plur) wow i like it

and in finnish we don`t use any articles like "a, an, the, the"

in finnish you just express i read a chapter of a book or if you have finnished the book you conjugate the noun without an article, but the same word might be genitive also.

In finnish you say "luen kirja-n"= i read a book, but the word "kirja-n" is also a genitive

"kirja-n titteli on MM"= "the book`s title is MM"

Yes, i listen to finnish pop rarely.


lördag 25 juni 2016

About brexit

 Well, i refuse to write my opinions about politics here, this is supposed to be a language blogg, but i have to write about other things than languages now and then.

Anyway, i found an interesting comment on yle.fi the finnish bbc or whatever.the sentence follows in finnish:

"Britannian kansanäänestystuloksen valossa uusi brittikommisaari keskittynee lähinnä kahvinkeittoon"="in the light of the outcome of the British referendum is the new British commissioner focusing primarily on making coffee"

ha,ha and  to choose a potensial verb in this case "keskittynee" of  keskittyä= to focus, to concentrate. very interesting.


onsdag 15 juni 2016


I´m relaxing from my everyday task and i am watching a program about Facebook and mark zuckenberg. Well MZ is very rich and powerful, if you ask me what my opinion is about rich ppl, it is that they do not live in the reality. The Swedish king gest hundred millions of dollars from the tax payers Money and he Thinks their income is too less. What the f**k, he and his family does not have to empty their dishwasher. And the norwegian Mette-Marit just have to ask for more Money, so she can by herself a dress for 3000 or more dollars. Yes the norwegian monarchy  will waste about 58 000000 dollars of tax payers Money- horrible.  Rich people are spoiled, most of them, that is my opinion about these rich ppl. They do not have to do nothing. Or they do some charity, so it looks good.

söndag 12 juni 2016



 Jag ger dig en gåva= I give you a gift ( in this case "dig" or "you" is dative case)


Ich gebe dir ein Geschenk= i give you a gift  ( "dir" is the dative case in german)


Annan sinulle lahjan= i give you a gift ( "sinulle" in this case is not a dative in finnish, but "sinulle"

replaces the dative case, used in german languages. "Sinulle" or -lle is a case form in finnish called


sinä- sinulle

koira- koira-lle= dog- to the dog

Huh, huh, i am used to conjugate almost every word in my mother language somehow or iadd a

simple or double suffix , so i am glad that English, norwegian and other languages are easier. I

translate from italian into norwegian also.

I do not try to market or sell anything with my blog, i have enough of expenses myself, so let`s take a

break from this Money- Money world with grammar, why not?


fredag 10 juni 2016

 Muumipappa said once that he does not like gardening, i totally agree with him. I hate gardening, but it has to be done.

torsdag 9 juni 2016

More grammar

 In English you say:

You are friendly


I Think about you. (You in this case is an object)

In Swedish you say:

DU är vänlig


Jag tänker på DIG (DIG är ett objekt)

In finnish you say:

SINÄ olet kiltti

ajattelen SINUA (SINUA is the case form parttiivi of SINÄ YOU)

But italians say:

TU sei gentile= You are friendly

TI penso= I Think about you

Germans say:

DU bist freundlich

Ich denke an DIR (dativobjekt) oder Ich denke an DICH (ackusaivobjekt) Das ist Auch möglich.

Ich wurde gern mehr Deutsch schreiben, ich mag Deutsch, aber es ist seit langem ich Deutsch studiert habe.

You do not obviously ditinguish the subject from the object form in English!!! Is English really that poor grammatically? Huh, huh.


tisdag 7 juni 2016


 Just want to say, i don´t try to be cool, you might Think i am boring.
 But sometimes i Think dandelions in my garden  what the f**k, who cares? About gardening.

or eat healthy- what the f**k and all kind of other expectations- what the f**k.


fredag 3 juni 2016


 I am employed and i work part time and i am a good Composer, i compose when i have inspiration. I want my latest work to sound relaxing, impressionistic and dreaming. I definitely Think that Chopin wouldhave liked the french Composer Claude Debussy, why wouldn´t he?

I have thought that this blog will be about classical music and languages.


torsdag 2 juni 2016


 Il cavallo marrone (it)= the brown horse

il cavallo(mask) =The horse

marrone= brown

Well, italians put the ajective before the noun, hmmmm interesting.
