fredag 31 maj 2019


I eat healthy, i eat plenty of mustard weekly and i have recently read that mustard has a good value of nutrition and good health benefits.


måndag 27 maj 2019


 I just wanted to share my latest thoughts with you. Hmmm some musical figurations might remind you of
Claude Debussy

And i havecelebrated today with cake because Finland won the world championship yesterday over Canada 2019. Jippie jippie yeah.


söndag 26 maj 2019

Hi everybody

Well, i have bought myself slow cooker and i have warmed italian meatballs with potatoes, it took an hour to get the food warm, but it cost only about 0,02€ for the power, so i am content.

  I have watched the movie "Boyhood" on dvd and Patricia Arquette is an awsome actress.

And i have read finnish news about finnish food banks and the heavy metal band Metallica donates to food banks  wow.

I have planted sunflower seeds and tomorrow i will go to work.


tisdag 21 maj 2019

Another fitness video.



A fitness video. Huh huh


Minä taas

I am busy with composing, gardening and all kind of things. I evaluate and correct a piano work i have composed for a pianist. I want to share this video with you and i would say "paint the movements"


lördag 18 maj 2019


I have lately often thought and read about how to live more ecological for the environment. I am not super duper ecological, but there are a few things that i do.

I throw my clothes rarely and i do not change wardrobe.

And i am going to begin to wash my clothes with soft soap.

And i think about washing my hair with applecider vinegear.

My kitten Peppi wants to cuddle now, she jumps up on the tablet, so it is impossible to write more now.

  • Moikka

lördag 11 maj 2019

And now one of my favourite poets.

Io non ho bisogno.

Io ho non bisogno di denaro
...ho bisogno di sentimenti
di parole di parole scelte sapientemente
di fiori detti pensieri
di rose dette presenze
di sogni che abitino gli alberi
di canzoni che facciano danzare le statue
di stelle che mormorino all'orecchio degli amanti
Ho bisogno di poesi
questa magia che brucia la pesantezza delle parole
che risveglia le emozioni e da' colori nuovi
mi piace chi sceglie con cura le parole da non dire...

Alda Merini

lördag 4 maj 2019


Io ho scritto un poco musica per flauto e' dolcissima e bellissima. Viva la musica sempre. Sono lieta e orgogliosa de la musica. Mi piace la poesia di Alda Merini tanto.
