måndag 21 mars 2016


 I have got the water supply backin my house, the plumber was here about 4 hours today, the problem with the water was that there was too much air in the pipe line into the house from outside. Now it is better and i can better concentrate on other things.

Ciao Johanna


 I just want to say, i am very glad, the plumber comes today. I am very careful with Writing any personal information, as where i am or if i travel abroad and things like that. I am allergic to shopping, i do not like to fill my home with all kind of stuff and things. I have enough of furniture.  I have a lot of work to do. And changing furniture or phones all the time becomes very expensive, my sofa is probably 30 years old and it is still good.

Ciao Johanna

lördag 19 mars 2016

Hi everybody

 Well i have tried to write a link to finnish verb conjugations from my mobile, but i have failed and now i am in front of my computer and here is the link

If you click here on the "verbiluettelo" and you click on a letter and thereafter you choose a verb from the letter A, for example the word "ajatella" which means "to Think" you can see the main finnish verbconjugations.  And there are more finnish verbconjugations than this.I just want to tell my followers here about my mother language, i have to know this, but you do not have to.

 I am glad, but i have a difficult problem. I do not have any water in my house because the pipe between the wall and the waterpump froze and the water outside the house is frozen beneath the ground. What a problem.

 Ciao, ciao Johanna

lördag 5 mars 2016

My best friend

I want to tell you about my best friend, i love her and i admire her really. She was an athlete, a great talent, but is, but she became physically weak. She is Always positive and she encourages other people Always. She is awsome.