måndag 11 november 2013

 Hi everybody, internet is cool, well i had some work done today and then i have written to one of my online contacts to Austria, well i do not expect an answer from Austria, but it is absolutely an opportunity for me to use my skill in the german language. I like german. I have a profile on  babbel.com (i have just written which languages i speak, what music i listen to, my favourite movie and that i like animals and architecture) i study italian through babbel.com. I should advance to the intermediate level in italian, but i think my knowledge of the italian language is poor, so i am not ready for the intermadiate level in italian yet. I have to use the google translation,when i discuss contracts and the italian tax system with an employee in Italy.  I get friend requests now and then on babbel.com and i try to answer in spanish sometimes and i do not speak spanish, although i have studied spanish in Finland for six months.
And yes I get admirer mails sometimes, which i just delete, so i am international. Nothing more, nothing less, just me.

I performed by the piano in front of at least 30 people, they liked my performance, but i was so nervous so i shivered.


tisdag 5 november 2013

New idea

 Hi everybody, i saw a short programme on youtube made by a man, who had studied mathematics and he said during this programme that it is impossible to draw the angles 100% exact. I have experience from that. This drawing was not so good drawn technically, but i chose to publish this anyway. I have to begin to draw something else than hexagons, so i look at skyscrapers on internet.
I have got an admirer letter again, mamma mia, as they say in Italy.  I am flattered, but i refuse to leave an e mail address to someone i do not know. Now i amgoing to watch tv with Donut.

Regards Johanna

måndag 4 november 2013

Olli Mustonen plays Sibelius part1-3


lördag 2 november 2013

Dear guest, i do not know you who read this. My estimated iq as a thirteen years old girl was 

above the mensa level(estimated by a prof psychologist),but i want to tell you that with a strong will power you can reach higher goals than you might imagine. I do not want to lift up myself. Lol, thank you for reading my blog.Just be yourself you are valuable. 

Ciao Johanna