fredag 27 maj 2016

About my motherlanguage again!!!!

 If you say in finnish

Lisa nukkuu= Lisa sleeps

 I may answer

Nukkukoon= Let one sleep

and nukkukoon (3:rd person sing) in finnish is an imperativ conjugation of the verb nukkua= sleep

Imperativ used in English is eat! come! run! go! swim faster!

And there are many different ways to say "to Think" to drive" "to run" "to be" and other infinitives in

finnish, let´s take for example to Think in finnish   

to Think= ajatella

1. infinitive: ajatella=to think

2. infinitive inessiivi:ajatelessa= to Think   
                    instuktiivi:ajatellen= to Think

3 infinitive inessiivi: ajattelemassa= to Think 
                  elatiivi: ajattelemasta=to Think
                  illatiivi: ajattelemaan= to Think
                  adessiivi:ajattelemalla= to Think
                 abessiivi: ajattelematta= to Think
                 instruktiivi: ajatteleman= to Think

4 infinitive nominatiivi:ajatteleminen = to Think   
                   partitiivi: ajattelemista= to Think

and then you have passive verbs linked to some of these one´s too.

Moikka kaikki

måndag 23 maj 2016


 I have worked today and then i had to clean after Donut today, she is lovley, but she brings me rats sometimes, so i found a rat outside the door. I am glad, i found an important key today to the manifold cabinet, which was lost for many years. I listen to Sibelius now and i have begun to compose a new piece for piano. Well the question is who is my favorite Composer? Well, it is hard to choose one, i "love" the music of them all. You name it-  Bach, Chopin, Schubert, Schumann, Sibelius, Nielsen, Stravinskij, Mozart, Kabalevsky, Verdi, Strauss, Dvorak, Debussy and many more. I prefer music from the romantic centuries to the Baroque centuries. But i have to Composers who are absolutely outstanding and different from the others and they are

Beethoven and Puccini.

 I love italian opera, Puccini is the most powerful Composer i have ever Heard, and noone will ever beat Beethoven.

I have to write offline now.

Ciao, ciao

torsdag 19 maj 2016


 Well, i have drained away water from the garden and i changed the waterpipe into the house. My garden was a mess and it is still a mess. The drive rwith the excavator made a lousy, lousy work. He dug up the adsl Cable, so i have been without the house phone for two weeks. I have tried to fill the hole after the adsl Cable today, so i have carried many hundred Pounds of sand to fill the hole, ptrrr, Heavy. I am going to write lessons in italian in the evening and tomorrow i have to paint huh, huh.


måndag 16 maj 2016

Hi everybody

 My purpose with Writing about grammar or finnish or italian is not to teach you finnish or italian or german. Yes, i speak german too. I am particularly interested in languages and i just want to explain diffrences in the grammatical structure. We use prepositions in the finnish language, but some prepositions are included in the noun, prepsitions like in, into, to, of, off, by and so on. But there are finnish Words for prep like with, without, along and so on. I write more about this later. I have had a lot of problems lately with my garden and the water supply into the house. The water pipe into my house is changed now.

I am without a dog= olen ilman koiraa, but you can also translate this with the finnish case system, as

I am without a dog= olen koira-tta

 I am going to teach italian in Norway, it will be a challenge, because the norwegian grammar is more

limited than the finnish and the german grammar . I have to find out how i to explain conditional verb

conjugations from italian into norwegian. Huh

sarei=olisin (fin)

Germans use konjunktivo, norwegians do not use konjunktivo

fredag 6 maj 2016


 Well, i just have to write about grammar and prepositions. When i studied Swedish and English i had to learn to use prepostions. In the finnish language, we use a case system which replaces prepositions and some conjuctions. For example in finnish

pöytä= table
pöy-dällä, pöydällä= "on the table" in one word

and now i want to write about the italian preposition system. In the italian language you add the preposition and the article in one word, for example

tavolo= table

il tavolo= the table

su=on  su+il => sul

sul tavolo= on the table

or, sul tavolo= pöydällä
