tisdag 27 september 2016


 There is someone here and the statistics here claims  this person is situated in France. It is very annoying, every time this person visits my blog i get trash spam links. I have contacted google without result, if you get spam, do not click on links which are unknown and do not click on e mail from someone who is unknown. There might be a hacker who takes over your computer.

And if you get a message which says that you have won 500 000 pounds or 1000 000 million dollars from a microsoft or a lottery, do not answer, persons behind this, are scammers who try to get your money from Nigeria or Jamaica.

 I have been scammed and i have  lost two dollars and i had to change my card, the company had an address in Denmark. I won an award and i gave the company my card number and the company said they were going to charge me for 6 dollars every month and i called my bank. My bank said: "You have been scammed" The bank blocked my card and sent me a new one.


måndag 26 september 2016

languages again

Oh i love grammar.

 In English: I have( to have) a book

 Italiano: (Io) ho (avere) un libro

Svenska: Jag har (att ha) en bok.

Deutsch: Ich habe (zu haben) ein Buch.

Suomeksi:  Minulla on (olla= to be) kirja= the subject " Minulla" is the case adessiivi and nominativ

is Minä=I and the verb on=is in English and book is just " kirja" in finnish.

In the finnish language we do not use the verb "to have", the verb "to have" is translated in finnish     

"to possess", so in finnish you use the third person sing on=is of the verb to be= olla in many


Like in English yoy say: i am thirsty

In italian you say: Io ho(avere) sete       italians use the verb avere= to have

In finnish you can say: Minun on jano  Minun is genitive of Minä=I or Minun is also a possessive

pronomen in finnish Minun= my

and there you have the word on=is again

It is amazing to discover how different the grammar is in different languages and the italian grammar

is very different from English.


lördag 24 september 2016

About fuel poverty in uk

 Hi, i just want to share this with you.
About fuel poverty in uk, a good documentary.


torsdag 22 september 2016


 I have been busy lately and i have changed the settings on my blog

söndag 18 september 2016

Hi everybody

 I just want to tell you that i am highly interested in sociological questions, i am interested in poverty in Europe and i have lately watched really heart breaking BBC programs about child poverty in uk.

There was a little girl who suffered from severe eczema because she lived with her sister and her mum in an apartment which i/was full of mold.  The poorest of the poor have to live during inhuman  
living conditions  and many of these humans are sober and clean, but unemployed or their pensions are too low.

Did you know that 9000 humans froze to death one year in UK because they could not afford the heating- tremendously horrifying and this happens in Europe,

 God bless you


torsdag 15 september 2016


 I will come back to languages and grammar later.

 I am finnish and you may wonder- are there any finnish celebrities?

Oh, yes there are, you can count on that. Apart from the world famous composer Jean Sibelius, there was a finnish architect who immigrated tu USA and he is the architect behind the J.F Kennedy airport in Washington dc and his name is Eero Saarinen and he is the architect behind several buildings in the world. Another world wide famous architect from Finland is Alvar Aalto. So yes Finland is famous for architecture and there are also other famous artists from Finland of course, i will not write more about this.

One finnish celebrity a lady and she is a top fashion model and her name is Suvi Koponen, Suvi is probably the most successful model world wide from Finland, here is a video with Suvi.

Guck mal


söndag 11 september 2016


 and tomorrow i am going to make lentil soup, i like to eat lentils and i try to improve my iron level, which has been critically low before, cause i do not like to eat that much meat and liver is just disgusting and pork is even more disgusting than liver, i think.


fredag 9 september 2016

Weight and diet again.

 Too maintain a weight you can live with does not necessarily have to be so hard and complicated.

If you study obese people eating habits, they eat huge amounts of food, now and then or all the time

more or less. If you eat a certain amount of food on regular times, during the day. Like you know that

now  i will eat 50 grams of beef with two small potatoes and 200 grams of carrots, cauliflower and

broccoli and No sause. Or i will eat a slice of oat bread  with 5 grams of butter, 50 grams of smoked

salmon and an egg with 250 grams of  non sweet low fat greek yogurt or something like that for

example. And then you eat like this three times a day and  on regular times and if you become

hungry  between the meals you may have an apple. Then you will not become big as an elephant. Yes

you are allowed to enjoy a birthday or to go into a party and to have a glass of wine or ice cream, but

not all the time. Many obese people have bad teeth too, which is pitty i think. And do not buy home

food what you can not resist, do not store sweets or whatever in your cupboard. It is like putting a

bottle of whiskey in front of an alcoholic.


måndag 5 september 2016

Lovely music

This piece of music is the most powerful piece of music of the world. This music reminds me of when Moses parted the red sea.


fredag 2 september 2016

And now italian

 Mi piace il libro= i like the book
  S     p      a.o

 Mi piacciono i libri= i like the books
  s     p               a.o

wow, wow,wow

Piaciere= to like and the difference between the first and the second sentence is that in the first sentence i write the book in singular and in the second sentence i write i libri= the books in plural.

This means that italians conjugate the verbs according to the akkusativ object. This is not the case in german or English. Great opportunity to learn something new. In English and german and in finnish you conjugate the verb according to the subject and not according to the object


torsdag 1 september 2016

Hi everybody

 Donut and i have had vacation and we came home today, and I am tired, now I am watching my favorite program and then I have to drive and buy some food and tomorrow I have to work. And yes I will write more about the Italian language soon, but right now I have to drive to the super market and rest after the flight.
